i love me some humility

I have a pet peeve: job applicants who tell me in their cover letter that they are without any doubt “the best” candidate for the job. This amazingly bold statement is often made by candidates who, in fact, match very few of the requirements of the job. But even if that weren’t the case, come […]

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do you conduct entry interviews?

Exit interviews of employees who are leaving are a great way to collect information about how the organization can do things better — but why not get that information before the employee is halfway out the door? Even better, why not get it early on in an employee’s tenure, so you can use the information […]

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reference requests when you can’t give a good one

I love to serve as a reference for most former employees. But I’ve also occasionally been asked to be a reference for employees who I can’t honestly recommend. Here are some ways to handle reference requests when you can’t recommend the candidate: 1. Whenever possible, warn the employee in advance that you won’t be able […]

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was I ready for a career leap?

A reader writes: After spending about a year in a post-college entry-level position, I was recently terminated from a new job that I’d hoped was going to be a major step forward in my career. (We’re talking a nearly 35 percent pay raise and an operation three or four times bigger than where I started.) […]

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update from reader irritated by her boss

I just received an update from the reader who wrote in recently about being fed up with her manager, who wasn’t giving her enough information about projects, didn’t give her time to talk with him, and engaged in a variety of other annoying habits. Several commenters and I advised her on ways to neutralize his […]

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alternatives to firing

I believe in transitioning out employees who aren’t working out, but it doesn’t always have to be by firing. A few years ago, I had an employee whose work was pretty good (although not stellar) but who frequently got frustrated and resentful over several demands of the job, snapped at people, and constantly needed to […]

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where’s the raise I was promised?

A reader writes: I work for a small (13 staff members), quickly growing non-profit organization. When I received my original offer, I was told that there would be an informal performance AND salary review at 3 months. I made the very unwise decision to not negotiate my starting salary based on this promise, because I […]

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7 ways interviewing is like dating

1. Desperation is not attractive. When you’re seeking a job, you’re not asking someone to do a favor for you; you’re offering the company something they want in exchange for getting something you want. 2. Be choosy and deliberative and don’t just take the first thing that comes along. 3. Make your interest personal, not […]

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