reality-based management by Alison Green on September 8, 2008 If I had a management theory, I’d call it “reality-based management.” Reality-based management means that you commit to seeing and dealing with reality, as opposed to living in some hazier alternative. Period. That’s it. The rest stems naturally from there. For instance: Reality-based management means that when an employee comes to you with frustrations or complaints, you hear them out with an open mind, even if the complaints are about you. It does not mean getting defensive, angry, or shutting them out. In fact, to the contrary, it means thanking them for coming to you and really meaning it. Reality-based management means looking at an overworked department and recognizing that your options are to eliminate some of the work, identify efficiencies, or hire additional staff. It does not mean just vaguely hoping that they will find a way to get it all done. Reality-based management means sometimes saying sentences like, “I’d like you to do this differently” or “I’m concerned about something I’ve noticed recently” or even “if this doesn’t change, it could jeopardize your job.” It does not mean being dissatisfied with someone’s performance but not telling them because it might be uncomfortable or awkward. Reality-based management means recognizing when someone may not be the right fit for the job and quickly taking action to change that — either by helping them improve, when possible, or moving them out. It does not mean hoping they’ll leave on their own. Reality-based management means asking if you contributed to the problem after you’ve had to fire someone. Did you hire the wrong person? Train them poorly? Fail to communicate what the job really entailed? Reality-based management means knowing that your organization and/or the jobs you hire for will not be for everyone, and that some people will not work out even when you do everything right. Reality-based management means being honest about what you do and don’t have time for and making commitments accordingly. It means doing what you say you will do, by when you say you’ll do it. Reality-based management means recognizing that the people who work for you are human and will make mistakes, have bad days, have bad weeks, be sensitive, want praise, sometimes overreact, feel frazzled, and from time to time misunderstand you. Reality-based management means regularly looking at your own shortcomings and being willing to try to change them. It means assuming there are things you do that drive your staff crazy and being interested in learning what those things are. Reality-based management is astonishingly scarce. If you find somewhere that practices it, do whatever it takes to work there. I originally published this at U.S. News & World Report. You may also like:how can I encourage complaints from my employees?an employee keeps complaining to me about her boss, who I managemy company fired a bad employee, then un-fired him the same day { Comments Off on reality-based management }