can you appeal a job rejection? by Alison Green on April 6, 2009 Every few weeks or so, I’m contacted by a job candidate asking me to reconsider our rejection of his or her application. Here’s the internal dialogue in my head when this happens, and I can almost guarantee you it’s the same for other hiring managers:  “Reconsider the decision? But we rejected you for a specific reason, because you weren’t a match with what we’re looking for. On what basis are you suggesting we reconsider? Oh, no basis. You just want us to change our minds and decided to take a shot at it. Well, on the off chance that some sort of horrible clerical error happened, let me pull out your resume and make sure. Hmmm, let’s see… Yes, the decision was right the first time.” Unfortunately, the reality is that you got rejected for a reason.  Maybe your qualifications aren’t as strong as you thought they were, or maybe they are very strong but other candidates’ are stronger. Or maybe you don’t have an accurate understanding of what the job is all about, and therefore your opinion of how qualified you are is based on an erroneous foundation. Whatever it is, you have to remember that the hiring manager knows what she’s looking for better than you do. Because of that, appealing a rejection can come across as saying, “Even though all I know of this job is the one-page job description I read, whereas you know the job, the organization, and the culture intimately, I’m going to reject your judgment and tell you that I know better.” You don’t want to come across that way. Some rejected candidates even decide to dispense with me entirely, and instead try to contact the head of my organization to complain about the decision. He immediately forwards them to me — because he trusts me to be competent at my job. Going over the hiring manager’s head doesn’t endear you to anyone; it’s not a good strategy. All that said, there is one very specific situation where it’s okay to appeal a job rejection: when you realized that you left out pertinent information that might have made a difference. For instance, say you’ve just been rejected for a job that requires bookkeeping experience. Your resume doesn’t show any, but you’ve volunteered for years as the treasurer for a local nonprofit, where you’re responsible for tracking all the finances and training others in using the bookkeeping software. You didn’t think to include it on your resume (although you can and should include volunteer experience, by the way), but now you realize that it might have helped your candidacy. In a case like this, you can send a follow-up email explaining this additional experience and ask if it might change anything. Make sure you explain why you didn’t mention it originally. You may also like:I think the reasons in my rejection email were bogushow do I get over being rejected for a job I'm perfect for?do I really need to send a thank-you note after being rejected for a job? { 3 comments }
carla* April 7, 2009 at 12:33 am I never even thought of appealing a job rejection. I figured they had a specific reason, other candidates or didn’t like my shoes. Whatever the decision was based on, I assume it was final unless I’m second choice for later on down the line.
Anonymous* April 7, 2009 at 11:41 pm Even if someone did leave something relevant off a resume and their appeal of a job rejection is a good faith attempt to inquire whether it would have made a difference, the very situation reeks of desperation to me. It’s the job-hunting equivalent of leaving something at a date’s place so you have an excuse to return. The obvious point here is that jobseekers should be prepared to tout their candidacy while in the process, not be so disorganized that they stumble back later with an “Oh, I forgot to mention I’m also awesome because…”
Erica* April 8, 2009 at 4:27 pm I once had someone appeal a termination. After a single day we realized – oh, this is NOT going to work. Debatable? Maybe, but you are going to have to trust me on this. Anyway, the person then asked to speak to HR to see if it could be appealed, despite me being the direct manager. This did not end up well for them.