gift for boss after he got me a raise and promotion by Alison Green on August 7, 2009 A reader writes: My boss got me a spot raise and a promotion this year. I’d like to give him a gift–is it appropriate? I was thinking either a bottle of booze or one of those inspirational prints (the former being old school and latter being wimpy/politically correct). What kind of gift do you think […] Read the full article →
how to answer “what do you look for in a manager?” by Alison Green on August 6, 2009 A reader writes: I was recently asked in an interview, “What do you look for in a manager?” My honest answer is “consistency.” My last boss was fine – but she was renowned for changing her mind. I challenged her about it at times. She admitted that sometimes she changed her mind because she hadn’t […] Read the full article →
It’s here: the You-Suck-As-An-Interviewer Automatic Letter Generator by Alison Green on August 5, 2009 It’s here! The You-Suck-As-An-Interviewer Automatic Letter Generator©, which will anonymously email that interviewer who never bothered to respond after your interview, has now debuted: Spread the word. (By the way, suggestions for improvements welcome.) Read the full article →
Ask a Manager needs your I.T. expertise by Alison Green on August 5, 2009 If you’re an expert in Apple Mail Scripts or otherwise a technical genius, and you want to help me create the You-Suck-As-An-Interviewer Automatic Letter Generator©, as described below, please email me. Together, we will shake the world of rude interviewers to its very core. Read the full article →
how late is too late for an interview? by Alison Green on August 4, 2009 You’re an interviewer. You have a 12:00 interview scheduled. Normally people go in the mildly annoying direction of arriving waaayy too early, but this candidate is late. How late can the candidate be before you (a) hold it against him/her, and (b) cancel the interview altogether? I consider lateness of more than a couple minutes […] Read the full article →
You suck, interviewer! by Alison Green on August 4, 2009 I’m on a bit of a rampage about interviewers who don’t bother to send candidates notices of rejection after a candidate has taken the time to interview with them. You put hours into preparing for the interview. Maybe you buy a new suit. Maybe you drive several hours to get there, spending gas money you […] Read the full article →
the ethics of cancelling remaining interviews once you find “the one” by Alison Green on August 3, 2009 Where do you stand on this question? An employer is interviewing for a position. They have five interviews scheduled. Interview #3 is fantastic, and the interviewer’s experience tells them that the other candidates won’t beat #3. If you were candidate #4 or #5 and your interview hasn’t happened yet — say it’s scheduled for later […] Read the full article →
5 ways companies mistreat job-seekers by Alison Green on August 3, 2009 When it comes to hiring, some employers act like they hold all the cards — and they can treat job seekers as poorly as they want, without consequence. They’re wrong: Smart employers know that good candidates have options (to say nothing of the ethical implications of being rude just because you think you can). Here are […] Read the full article →
bypassing the employment agency by Alison Green on August 3, 2009 A reader writes: An employment agency listed a job on a generic website two months ago. At that time, they did not list what company the job was with. I sent my resume to the agency, left messages, and never heard from them. This is my dream job so I was very disappointed. Today the […] Read the full article →
when an employee isn’t taking your hint by Alison Green on August 3, 2009 A reader writes: I am a sales manager and have a team of 9 Territory Managers. I have one young man on my team without a whole lot of life or professional experience. His father did some consulting for our corporate office and is well known in our company and throughout our industry. My TM […] Read the full article →