can employer reject me because of my commute time?

A reader writes: I recently applied for a job for which my skills ticked all of the boxes. The salary was described as “highly negotiable” (with no equivalent industry salaries available) and was based in London (an 80 minute commute from my house). Over the course of 2 weeks, I took part in 11 one-2-one […]

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I have just deleted all but the most recent two weeks’ worth of emails in my in-box. As usual, I had fallen so far behind on answering questions that there was no chance I could ever catch up. So if you had sent me a question earlier that you are desperate for an answer to, […]

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how can I get justice with my boss’ boss?

A reader writes: I work for a software company in their customer/technical support department. One of our customers was not happy with the way I handled an issue and contacted their account executive to complain. What the customer said was to the effect that she did not want me working on any of her future […]

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Remembering William Wik

This post is part of Project 2,996, a bloggers’ tribute to the victims of September 11, 2001. I’ve been asked to write about William Wik. William Wik Billy Wik, 44 and his wife, Kathy, had three children, Tricia, Katie, and Danny. He worked for Aon Corp. as assistant director for risk management services. “I met […]

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why new hires fail

46% of newly-hired employees will fail within 18 months, according to a new study by Leadership IQ. (Failure is being defined as: being terminated, leaving under pressure, receiving disciplinary action, or having significantly negative performance reviews.) But it’s not because they don’t have the right skills to do the job. Instead, the study found that […]

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sometimes it’s not about you

Sometimes it’s not about you. I’ve rejected a lot of job candidates lately, and an unusual number of them have been fantastic. When I have tons of great candidates and only one slot to hire for, by definition lots of really good candidates are going to get rejected. When the job market is at the […]

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how to give advice to coworkers without being annoying

Have you ever looked at another area of your company and thought, “They’d get better results if they did it this way instead”? If so, have you ever been tempted to tell them? It’s a sticky area. Even if your input is fantastic, if you don’t present it in the right way, you can make people […]

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should you call when a job posting says “no calls”?

In a comment on a recent post, Abby wrote: How do you feel about a job posting that specifically states “no phone calls”? Does it show blatant disregard if a candidate calls or is that person one step ahead of the rest because he/she is the only one calling? I feel it’s important to follow […]

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