where are they now: update #8 – the coworker who accidentally complained to the wrong person

Remember the woman whose coworker called her accidentally, thinking she was calling someone else, and proceeded to complain about her, before realizing she was talking to the person she was complaining about? Here’s her update: I had planned to discuss the “awkward moment” with my co-worker, but several things prevented that from happening. One of […]

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how to handle inappropriate interview questions

A reader writes: I had an interview for a job today. It’s my first interview in 14 years as I’ve been in my present job that long. I was feeling a little rusty. I researched interview questions, practiced answers, and felt well prepared. Then out of nowhere I was asked, “Tell me about your children.” […]

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where are they now: update #4 – the interrupting coworker

Remember the person irritated by her coworker who constantly interrupted any conversation she was having with their boss? Here’s her update: In April I sent a question about a coworker who would butt in and take over any conversation I was having with our supervisor. You were very soothing; you assured me I was not […]

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where are they now: update #1 – the new HR rep with no help

Thanks to all who are answering the call for updates, to let us know how their situation turned out. If you haven’t written in yet, we want to hear from you! Here’s the first one. Remember the new HR assistant who was frustrated because no more experienced HR staffer was around to give him guidance? Here’s his […]

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where are you now?

If you’ve had your question answered here in the last year, please send me an update and let me know how your situation turned out. I’d like to post your updates in a “where are they now?” post. We want to know, so email me, stat. Leave no juicy detail out. And woman whose coworker […]

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