addressing a new hire’s known weakness

A reader writes: While I’m excited about two people I recently hired, nobody’s perfect and there were a few small concerns with both that came up through the hiring process. One person had a great follow-up exercise and awesome experience, but somewhat lackluster communication in person. The other person had a great interview and awesome […]

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boss won’t let me come up with new ideas

A reader writes: I am a dreamer. I have lots of ideas and I can see the big picture easily. While in school I wrote articles and presented at conferences, but was met with lots of frustration with the people I was sharing my ideas with because I obviously didn’t know how to fit my […]

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you need the right person, not the almost-right person

Most managers say they know how important it is to have the right people on their staff, but many (or even most) don’t act accordingly. We’ve all worked with managers who dance around performance problems rather than addressing them head-on, who don’t focus enough on developing and retaining their best people, and who are way […]

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male team won’t talk to me

A reader writes: I am a female (in my thirties) working within a team of men (IT developers). I am a new role for me as a business analyst. I have been working in the team for approximately 6 months, and if they didn’t say hello to me in the morning, they wouldn’t speak to […]

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what it’s like to make a job offer

I love making job offers. It’s a great feeling to call someone up to offer them a job that you know they really want. There are several different types of reactions when you make someone a job offer: 1. The excited freak-out. I love this one. This is when you call and offer someone a […]

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Can I reapply after being rejected?

A reader writes: I don’t know if this is a scenario that happens very often, but I had what I believed to be a successful initial phone interview with a company in a similar field. The HR manager I interviewed with had been very enthusiastic about continuing the interview process. I felt confident that I […]

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too young/immature for a promotion?

A reader writes: I’m young (19) and work for a video store chain. My store manager has told me she thinks I’m too young and too “emotionally immature” to become a manager. I’m not sure what to think of that. She’s said some seriously inappropriate things to me in the past, such as berating me […]

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why you didn’t get hired

You were perfect for the job and your interviewer seemed to love you – or so you thought. But you just found out that you didn’t get the job, and now you’re wondering why. Here are eight of the most common reasons you didn’t get hired. 1. You were qualified, but someone else was more […]

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