can volunteering lead to a job offer?

A reader writes: I’ve just starting reading your blog (obsessively) and completely love it. I’m about to graduate, completely terrified, and the advice you provide has made me feel infinitely more confident that I might not end up living in a cardboard box clutching my Bachelor’s Degrees and sobbing into my UMass sweatshirt. My question […]

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rejecting candidates because of their neighborhood

A reader writes: During a workshop I attended, an employment counselor mentioned that some candidates can be rejected simply because of their zip code. Apparently, some hiring managers will screen out applications when residences are in zip codes implicating problems, such as being chronically late for work. Is this something you’ve been aware of? Not […]

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what makes a hiring manager fall in love?

In most economies but especially this one, hiring managers get flooded with well-qualified candidates for any job they post. When you’re up against dozens of strong candidates, it’s smaller things that will help you break through the pack and emerge as a clear top contender. These are the things that change you from one of […]

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turnover and morale during a recession

A reader writes: Like most companies today, we have recently gone through a series of layoffs, budget freezes, cost-containment measures, low morale, and just plain difficult times. We have traditionally been a company that has overflowed with abundance, and our employees are finding it extremely difficult to cope with the complete turnaround to a company […]

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don’t mention your Mensa membership

Don’t mention in your cover letter or resume that you’re a Mensa member. Just … don’t. A candidate just told me that although she’s unable to use the program that is a critical component of the job, she’s sure she could do the job well anyway, and she added in parentheses: “(I am a member of […]

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update from laid-off reader — being nice pays off!

Remember the reader from this post last month, who wrote in asking about whether she should send a thank-you note to her boss to thank him for the opportunity she’d had with him? She just sent in this update: I wrote to you on March 2nd asking if it would be proper for me to […]

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the right time to resign

A reader writes: What is your opinion of the timing when a person decides to resign for another job? I am currently seeking another position while my organization and particularly my department is in the middle of a major, long-term project in which I play a major part as midlevel technical staff. While I hate […]

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are bad references stored in a database?

A reader writes: When I recently applied for a job, I gave my former boss’ name on an employment form as supervisor. I was under the impression they would check only my personal references and limit discussions with my former company to dates, salary, job role. However I am under the impression my former boss […]

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