how to get a job by being nice by Alison Green on February 5, 2009 Go read Rafael J. Hernandez’s post on “How To Get A Job By Being Nice.” It’s brilliant. Read the full article →
how to juggle a job offer when you’re waiting for another by Alison Green on February 3, 2009 A reader writes: What is the protocol when you have an offer in hand from Company A but you’re waiting on a second job offer from Company B that you think would be a better fit? Let’s assume Company B’s offer might not be forthcoming (if at all) for 3 weeks or more. Obviously, you […] Read the full article →
South Bend Tribune hates its employees by Alison Green on February 2, 2009 Think you work for a micromanager? Check out what the South Bend (Indiana) Tribune has decided to do to its staff. Here’s an excerpt from the memo the paper’s management distributed last week, explaining their new “communication” system: This is targeted foremost to all reporters, who would send a daily e-mail the last thing before […] Read the full article →
applying for a job in another state by Alison Green on January 30, 2009 A reader writes: What is your take, as a hiring manager, on job applicants who apply to positions in your company from out of state (let’s say New York applicant for a California job)? Do they immediately go to the circular file or are they considered as seriously as other applications? What if the applicant […] Read the full article →
bosses who yell by Alison Green on January 27, 2009 A reader writes: I’m hoping you can help a friend of mine who is stuck in a tough situation. After a long job search, my friend has found his dream job–it’s what he wants to do, in the field he wants to do it in, it pays the salary he wants to make, and he […] Read the full article →
can boss deduct the cost of a mistake from my paycheck? by Alison Green on January 27, 2009 A reader writes: Last year, I overcharged a customer by approximately $1500. No one caught it and the customer paid the bill. In reviewing what the customer wanted to purchase for this year, they saw the mistake and requested a $1500 credit. My boss has decided that I must cover this loss for the company […] Read the full article →
references when a company goes under by Alison Green on January 27, 2009 A reader writes: Since my last employer is going out of business (Circuit City), how would I list the information on my resume? I want to list it because it was valuable experience for the field I want to go into. And even if I list the information, how will employers verify my employment there? […] Read the full article →
should managers organize “fun” at work? by Alison Green on January 22, 2009 A reader writes: Obviously with these difficult economic times, employees are feeling stressed, burned out, and anxious, among other things. Being fairly new to the HR industry, I think that more fun activities (such as cook-offs, cookie decorating for V-Day, and maybe even a corn-hole tournament in the summer) should be introduced to the staff […] Read the full article →
how to fire someone by Alison Green on January 19, 2009 Firing poor performers is one of the hardest things managers do — and also one of the most important. Firing is about being committed to having great employees. You can do everything else right – setting clear goals and expectations, delegating effectively, giving feedback, striking the right balance between being hands-on without micromanaging, and so […] Read the full article →
boss paying under the table by Alison Green on January 18, 2009 A reader writes: I work for a very small company that is having cash flow problems. For the past few months the boss has been paying the employees our net wages in cash, not giving us payslips, and not paying any tax to the government. He simply expects us not to report this income on […] Read the full article →