declining after verbally accepting a job offer

A reader writes: I was job hunting two months ago and received two job offers. I took the offer with Company A and told Company B that I would take the offer from company A. Well, one month into my new job with Company A, I thought the job was not really what I wanted […]

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housekeeping items

Some random, miscellaneous stuff: 1. I’m interested in people’s experiences with 360 degree feedback systems, especially in organizations with smaller departments, where even the best efforts to preserve anonymity may be undone by the small staff size of the manager being evaluated. I’m intrigued by the idea of going in this direction but am concerned […]

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how to determine severance when firing an employee

A reader writes: I have just finished reading what you’ve written on how to fire an employee. Excellent advice. I do have one question. The employee who will soon be “let go” has certainly had many chances to improve, been given objectives and not met them, etc. However, because this person is still human, has […]

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job-searching after being let go

A reader writes: August 29, 2008 – After working for this IT services company for 2.5 years, I was taken into the boss’s office and told that the money was bad and business was scarce. My boss cut me from 40 hours per week down to 20 hours per week to save the company money. […]

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using a different title than your real one on your resume

A reader writes: I currently work as an IT professional for a company that is contracted by a larger company to provide IT support for their organization. I was originally hired two years ago to provide desktop support services. Due to the elimination of the job of the only other IT employee at our site, […]

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vote for Ask a Manager

I’m a finalist for the 2008 Weblog Awards! You can vote for me in the Best Business Blog category here: http://2008.weblogawards.org/polls/best-business-blog/

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when you can’t give a positive reference

I love to serve as a job reference for most former employees. But I’ve also occasionally been asked to be a reference for employees who I can’t honestly recommend. Here are some ways to handle reference requests when you can’t recommend the candidate: 1. Whenever possible, warn the employee in advance that you won’t be […]

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interview went well but still not hired

A reader writes: Had the first interview – seemed to go well. The HR Recruiter told my recruiter that they were getting the req approved and that they wanted me and would be in touch for a second interview. Second interview came and I felt it went well – just like before. On the way […]

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