accepted a job; do I need to notify other places I applied?

A reader writes: I got a job that I really wanted and I’m happy and grateful. My question is what’s the best way to let other prospective employers know? These are places where I put in resumes, but haven’t gotten interviews. (If I had interviewed for another job and was still waiting, I would call […]

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how not to pitch a blogger: for publicists

Thank you, but no, I do not want to receive a free copy of your book to review, or interview the author who you’re promoting, or reprint your press release about your product. As you may notice from reading my blog, I’ve never promoted a book (well, except my own), interviewed an author, or reprinted […]

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no one told me my coworker was fired

A reader writes: Yesterday I found out through coworkers that one of our managers left/was fired (closer to the latter, I think… I have heard he was in a “you need to show improvement in three months” situation which ended this week). His name is still on his office, and his things are still here, […]

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employee potluck lunches, with allergies

A reader writes: I am a third grade elementary school teacher and our school holds a “potluck” lunch for the staff every other Friday. Due to my numerous and severe food allergies, I have politely excused myself from attending these gatherings and therefore I do not sign up to contribute. Since the economic downturn, it […]

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how much can you change your manager?

How much can you change your manager? One of the most common themes in questions I receive at Ask a Manager is: how can I change my manager? How can I make her stop this annoying habit, or not be a jerk, or learn to manage her time better? The answer is: Maybe you can’t. […]

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coworker moonlighting as prostitute during work hours

A reader writes: My co-worker is a very open person and tells me to cover for her every time she has to leave the office. Our boss and manager are not here half the time so when they are not, my co-worker leaves either early and/or takes a really long lunch. At the beginning, the […]

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hours cut, workload increased

A reader writes: I was recently hired as a Personal Assistant/Office Manager at a non-profit organization and I love my job! However, there is one issue. During the interview process, I was told I would be working 24 hours a week. Once they called me and said I was hired, I was told (in the […]

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company wouldn’t interview me because I was 5 minutes late

A reader writes: Yesterday, I was scheduled for a very much anticipated interview with a well-known airline for a customer service position. I know in my heart that this company would not only be an honor to work for, but that the position would be a great fit for me! The interview was scheduled for […]

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trouble fitting in with coworkers

A reader writes: I have been working at a software company for a little over a year now. I like the company, we produce a product which I like, the mission statement is very focused on making a difference in education, and the culture of the overall company is very relaxed and employee centered (jeans […]

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will tattoos prevent me from getting hired?

A reader writes: I have a couple tattoos, 2 that are visible, one on my wrist and another on my forearm. They aren’t large or obscene. I also have my nose pierced with a small stud. I do have a good job, that I’ve been at for 6 years, and I got these “decorations” while […]

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