companies that use “cool” language in job postings by Alison Green on January 19, 2010 A reader writes: I’m a recent college graduate living with my parents in a city I really dislike. I have a full-time position in this city, which I realize is a blessing as many of my classmates are working at Blockbuster and McDonald’s as they try to find “real” jobs, and the job is a […] Read the full article →
what should I make of this very nice HR person? by Alison Green on January 19, 2010 A reader writes: I recently had an interview with a company, and I ended up being late for the interview. I know this is a huge no-no, but I called them about 10 minutes before I knew I would be late, because I was lost. I left an hour before the interview and the drive […] Read the full article →
was boss wrong to share restructuring proposal with me? by Alison Green on January 16, 2010 A reader writes: Recently my boss (boss #1) shared a departmental restructuring plan with me that included a potential promotion for myself and a demotion for my superior (his peer; boss #2). My other boss has been a mind-blowing disaster; blowing deadlines, showing up late, can barely write an e-mail above kindergarten reading level, etc., […] Read the full article →
can I list work for my father on my resume? by Alison Green on January 15, 2010 A reader writes: I graduated university back in August last year. Since then, I’ve mainly been filling my time job-hunting and working for my dad since I moved back home. My question is, would a recruiter look unfavorably on this if I were to list this on my resume? Even moreso since his business’s address […] Read the full article →
current employer won’t give me a reference by Alison Green on January 15, 2010 A reader writes: The company I work for has a no-reference policy. From what I can gather, it’s because the managers I work for aren’t permitted to speak about my performance on behalf of their area managers. I have worked for the company for 2.5 yrs and have performed well, risen to supervisor, and have […] Read the full article →
questions to ask someone who has the job you just got promoted to by Alison Green on January 12, 2010 A reader writes: Do you have any ideas for questions to ask someone who already has the role that you just got promoted to? Great question! Here are some that come to mind, and I hope others will join in with their own suggestions: * What surprised you about the role that you didn’t know […] Read the full article →
when your manager values face time over results by Alison Green on January 12, 2010 A reader writes: My wife just finished interviewing for a promotion within her company and was given some unusual career advice from the vice president of her division. My wife was told that even though her working hours are 8am to 4pm, that she should not be so quick to leave work at 4pm. She […] Read the full article →
can “volunteering” become “consulting” on a resume? by Alison Green on January 11, 2010 A reader writes: I’m eager to get your opinion on a suggestion a recruiter gave me recently. She had me list my marketing volunteer work as “marketing and PR consulting” on my resume to give me more recent work experience. (I was laid off just over a year ago.) I actually have helped a couple […] Read the full article →
weird behavior during salary negotiations by Alison Green on January 11, 2010 A reader writes: I have a question about something I ran into in a previous job than the one I am in now: I had an interview for a job and returned home afterward. Only about two hours later, the HR manager called me and asked if I could come back to the office. It […] Read the full article →
when a recruiter asks for your height, weight, age, and marital status by Alison Green on January 9, 2010 A reader writes: I sent a resume to a recruiter and he then sent me a survey to complete. The survey was laden with questions that are illegal to ask in the employment process. Yet several friends of mine said this is how employers are bypassing EEO requirements. They simply use an outside firm and […] Read the full article →