{ 51 comments… read them below }

  1. The Gold Digger*

    Isn't it amazing that people keep finding new ways to do – how shall we put it? – unproductive/less than intelligent things at work?

    I'm not bored yet. Keep writing!

  2. Anonymous*

    You always have something new, relevant, and extremely insightful to say. So no, not sick of you yet! Keep doing what you're doing. THANK YOU!!

  3. Anonymous*

    Eh, using RSS dramatically cuts down on the marginal cost of following a single additional blog.

    kidding ;)

  4. Aubrey*

    There are as many complicated workplace scenarios as there are places to work, and then some. Keep it up, we need you!

  5. Lazarus*

    You know why we keep coming back:

    1) You seem to have a reasoned and/or extremely rational response to everything.

    2) We all want people like you as a boss.

    3) You're just that good.

  6. TigerTrails*

    That better not be a "I'm thinking of quitting my blog" type musing! Don't leave, we love it! And so many people desperately need good advice.

  7. Anonymous*

    I found your blog back in September as I entered the workforce. I am very thankful to read the advice you give and just interested in the different things that happen in the workplaces around our country. It's truly an eye opener. You have given plenty of food for thought and advice. I hope you are not planning on giving up. It's definitely better than reading an article on the do's and don't's.

    Please keep writing. You are doing a service to many many people, especially those of us straight out of college/grad school.

  8. Erica*

    You're an awesome source of trainwrecks. I love trainwrecks.

    Also, you call the trainwrecks as you see 'em.

  9. Elizabeth*

    Lol. I check your blog daily. Sometimes multiple times per day! You always have good advice and engaging questions. I've referred many people to your site as well.

    Please don't quit!

  10. Anonymous*

    Like someone else said, seldom do I find blogs that I find interesting, written with thought, containing information of value to me.

    You almost never post twice the same day, but I always check a few times in case.

  11. T. Alex Beamish*

    You write intelligently about what I consider the 'black art' of recruiting and retention. As a left-brained software developer somewhat lacking in the social graces, it's valuable, if not required reading for my continued education.

  12. Anonymous*

    I wish I would have found your blog three years ago! Great advice; you're always insightful and entertaining. Here's to many, many more three year anniversaries!

  13. Ruby*

    Ah, here – let us stroke your ego… :)

    Congrats on 3 years of blogging about lots of really interesting stuff! I only came across your blog last year myself, while looking for info on an overseas relocation. You definitely don't write enough about THAT, but what you do write is always interesting, often amusing, and never a waste of time. I hope you enjoy writing your blog as much as we enjoy reading it.

    And having a feed reader is great. ;)

  14. Char*

    I'm a new reader; found your blog towards the end of last year and read through your entire archives (over time).

    Your posts have helped me put a lot of things in perspective and plan how to get out of an exploitative, WTF job, and have helped me with my resume/cover letter writing skills as well, so thank you! And I'm definitely not sick of you yet.

  15. Adam*

    I'll admit that if were employed full-time I probably wouldn't visit as often.

    But sound advice is valuable and if it's entertaining so much the better.

  16. Ask a Manager*

    Whoops, by rounding up, I've apparently implied this is my site's third anniversary, which it isn't until May.

    Not really going anywhere. Just feeling a little sick of hearing my own voice!

    Thank you for these incredibly nice comments. My ears prefer your voices to mine right now!

  17. Evil HR Lady*

    You can't stop because then who would I refer people to? I got a doozy (you probably did too, though). An e-mail asking me to consider this guy's aunt and her friend for jobs in North Dakota or Houston. Or maybe it was South Dakota.

    Ummm, thanks?

  18. crb*

    You don't abuse my time by posting too often, and when you do post, it's text, not video, so easy to read. More bloggers need to be like that!

  19. Maria*

    How could we get sick of you? Your posts are some of the best (if not THE best) leadership/management thoughts I've ever read.

    How come YOU don't get bored at us? I mean, us readers, asking the same questions, popping complicated issues and expecting endless understanding.

    Thank you for being here :)and keep writing!

  20. Athena Marie*

    I have loved reading your blog for the past year of so. I started reading it after I had lost my job. It was a great find and even though I have an amazing job now, I still LOVE reading your blog. Thanks!

  21. Chris*

    I found your column last year and it's one of the few things I read religiously. You remind me of my favorite teacher in grad school – who called it like he saw it and helped us to think better.

    Thanks for being good at what you do; I get a lot out of it.

  22. Brian*

    "aren't you sick of me yet?"

    I ask my wife the same question every day…

    Fortunately, she gives me the same answer I'll give you: You're awesome!

  23. Anonymous*

    I've learned more about management since I found your blog last fall than my employer has taught me in three years as a manager! I even got other managers on my team reading your blog when we got to performance review time this year and I think it was very helpful. Thank you!

  24. Anonymous*

    Not at all and heres why: you are awesome! You have smart answers, an entertaining style and best of all you live in the REAL world with the rest of us. Lots of advice bloggers seem to live in the land of gum drops mountains and gummi bear trees. Thank you for all that you do, it is appreciated!

  25. Patti*

    I am fairly new to HR and need some scenario-based examples to assist me in my day-to-day life. This is what your blog provides and it helps me know that I am on the right track when I encounter something similar.

    Since I work in HR alone (pretty much), I don't have anyone to bounce ideas off and it's a bit isolating. Therefore, your blog gives me a sense of connection with other HR professionals.

  26. Chris M.*

    AAM, I'm a reasonably successful consultant who is never out of work. I receive many requests for advice from peers and junior consultants, and most of the time to answer I just have to Google "Ask a Manager" + their problem.

    Even if you stopped blogging your archives would continue to be an excellent resources for job hunters and people with problems at work, but I hope you stick around because there are always new angles to cover and you are so good at giving objective and sound advice. Keep up the good work!

  27. GC (God's Child)*

    we still have jobs, or want them. . .and you tell the truth (like Phoebe's songs for kids in the library on "Friends")

  28. Anonymous*

    No way! I love reading your blog and referring others to it. This is the only blog I rigorously follow.
    I found your blog last May after I got laid off and I read the entire archive of posts within a day. I follow you ever since. – Thank you for your insightful advice on career and leadership topics.

  29. Melissa Barber*

    You've helped us (the SnagAJob.com editorial team) understand HR and provide better advice and tips for all kinds of job seekers. You better not quit. Keep it coming!

  30. Anonymous*

    I spend more time reading your blog then actual work. Congrats, and thanks for your reasonable responds.

  31. Autumn*

    I just found your blog last summer & have been getting email updates ever since! As an college junior trying to get internships & thinking about a real job, it's been incredibly interesting to get an experienced manager's perspective on many issues that I would not have otherwise thought of.

    Your articles are informative, interesting, and often amusing! They provide useful info on what to do (and not to do!) to be a great employee. So thank you! & keep it up!

  32. Anonymous*

    Feeling a bit insecure are we? Just kidding. Your blog is actually the only one I follow regularly. Keep up the good work!

  33. whitewashed*

    Never! I haven't been reading the whole time, but have been reading AVIDLY since I found you! In fact, you published a question from a friend of mine fairly recently – I tell everyone I know to check out your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, insight, and humor – and please continue! :)

  34. smith17*

    There is no other way that 'ordinary' people (like us) could have access to opinions and advice from a top professional. Invaluable.

    Please don't stop.

  35. Ask a Manager*

    This is awesome. The site emails me comments as they're posted, and so while I was at work today having a very stressful day, I kept getting emails with these awesome messages. I should post something whiny every day!

    Seriously, this is pretty fantastic to hear. I mean, *I* think highly of myself, but who knew others did?!?

  36. Nobody but everybody*

    Just because you learn new words, you don't forget everything else. Adding helps in the long run.

  37. Rachel - former HR blogger*

    I always get excited every time I see you have a new post. Your advice is spot on while still remaining professional. I love it!

  38. Shawn*

    I am an HR Manager in City Government and I read your blog almost everyday. It is wonderful, please keep writing!

  39. Clairezilla*

    Stay! I just started my HR career, and I need to go back and read from the beginning of the archives!

  40. Anonymous*

    No we arent sick of you! Thank you for taking your time to listen to our concerns and questions. It is nice to know that whenever we may have an issue at work we are able to just type and get an advice from a reliable source. I actually asked you for your advice a couple of weeks ago about my co-worker prostituting during working hours. I did follow your advice and I no longer do her work. I mean, she is still prostituting during working hours and in our restroom but I have nothing to do with it. Sooner or later she will get caught, but at least I wont be involved in that. So once again, Thank You very much!

  41. BossLady*

    Oh goodness no!

    There are too few people who will talk plainly and frankly about being a manager and employee.

    Many other management writers/bloggers are either too idealist to take the real word into account or are just plain bad. You are refreshingly neither.

    AND I think many of the comments I see are like minded individuals. It is SO nice to hear that so many other reasonable people have the same concerns, problems and also many of the same responses and solutions. In other words, its nice to read this and realize I'm not crazy.

    Cheers to you. (Please don't stop!)

  42. Anonymous*

    Never. Sometimes I read until I face-plant into my keyboard because it's that useful and that relevant.

  43. Anonymous*

    I have been reading many of your previous posts and I want to say thank you so much for doing this blog. I think you are wonderful. I have so much to learn here. Thank you for taking time to help someone like me try to figure this all out. Your blog is like a gold mine of information.

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