should I extend my internship? by Alison Green on April 30, 2010 A reader writes: I am currently doing an unpaid internship that I am receiving college credit for this semester. I really enjoy working with my manager and after reading your previous post on extending the length of an internship, I decided to ask my manager about it. She was fine with it when I asked; […] Read the full article →
in which I am accused of being a bitter old woman by Alison Green on April 30, 2010 Someone does not like me very much and thinks I may be “older” and bitter. Ha ha. Read the full article →
how to use someone else’s contact when applying for a job by Alison Green on April 30, 2010 A reader writes: My question is about using a contact that is a few degrees removed from me personally. She is an executive at an organization where I recently applied for a job with whom my godmother briefly worked several years ago. My godmother instructed me to remind the executive who she was and ask […] Read the full article →
the problem with job-hopping by Alison Green on April 29, 2010 Nick Corcodilos and Mark Suster take on the myth that “job hopping doesn’t matter,” and they’re right. Read Nick’s take and Mark’s take — both of which are excellent. Read the full article →
update from reader whose boss wouldn’t let her go on vacation by Alison Green on April 29, 2010 There was a lot of interest in the letter from the person whose boss refused to let her go on a pre-planned vacation, so I wanted to point out that she has posted an update in the comments over there. It’s here. Read the full article →
are online application processes avoidable? by Alison Green on April 28, 2010 A reader writes: Is there a way to get around what seems to be some very ridiculous online application processes? Redundant questions (like what grade school you attended, and major declared!) make me want to put a shoe through my computer screen. I’m applying for positions that demand skilled labor and have whipped up some pretty attention-getting letter and resume […] Read the full article →
just tell me your real name by Alison Green on April 25, 2010 Okay, this one is for college students and recent grads. Someone along the way, someone gave you the idea that it’s unprofessional to use anything but your full, given name, even if everyone in your life calls you something else. While this is sort of adorable, you should drop this idea. It’s disconcerting to go […] Read the full article →
job offers and lengthy pre-planned vacation time by Alison Green on April 23, 2010 A reader writes: I find myself in a really tight position here. I am going to an interview tomorrow for a job that I would really like. However, in less than a month I’m going on a pre-planned family visit in China for a little over a month (May 21 to Jun 29). It is […] Read the full article →
was this interviewer out of line? by Alison Green on April 22, 2010 A reader writes: At a recent interview, I was asked to explain a project that I completed at my previous employer. I used the website redesign project as an example since it was an important and valued project for the company. I explained that I did 75% of the project, re-wrote content, and created three […] Read the full article →
can I ask HR to better explain their application instructions? by Alison Green on April 22, 2010 A reader writes: I’ve been looking for a position for a few months and I’ve found the advice on your site invaluable in my efforts. I am finding that often requirements for the submission of an application are written very vaguely and I want to make sure that I get them right. However, most of […] Read the full article →