May 2010

how to turn down a job offer

A reader writes: I know you write a lot about rejecting candidates for job offers. Do you have any sound advice for the best way for a candidate to reject a job offer when it’s not the position for them? As always, straightforward is good. Thank them for the offer, but say that you’ve decided […]

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and the contest winner is…

The winner of the worst interview contest is … Jennifer, who ended her interview covered in poop. (Please note that the last time I ran a contest, the winner worked e.coli into her answer. Are you seeing a pattern here?) Jennifer, please email me and I’ll get you hooked up with your prize. And thank you […]

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how can I stop being so nervous in job interviews?

A reader writes: I have approximately ten years of administrative and clerical experience. On the other hand, I interrupted the career trajectory in order to pursue a baccalaureate degree. Now that college is over, I am rusty with interviewing (my skills are not due to temporary assignments). During the couple of interviews I have received, […]

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is my transgender coworker using the right bathroom?

A reader writes: I have a question of how/if/when transgender coworkers get to be treated as such in the workplace. Specifically, there is a man in our office (widely known as such) who wears women’s clothing, hairstyles, shoes, makeup, etc. every day, and refers to himself as “she”. Some women in the office have been […]

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what was your worst interview?

When I was 21, I interviewed for a job as a “bulletin board administrator.” This was in 1995, when the Internet was just starting to become mainstream, and online “bulletin boards” were as common as blogs are now. I had never used the Internet. But the 21-year-old me was an idiot and I figured I […]

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Here’s a tip: If you’re writing to busy people and asking for them to answer questions for your master’s project, which is due five hours from the time of your email, you are already screwed.

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how do I avoid my evil boss’s going-away party?

A reader writes: So my horrible boss is finally leaving (and the villagers rejoiced). She’s doing it in a remarkably unethical way (we’re going through some restructuring and she’s submitting all her plans as if she’s staying: once they are approved, committing the company to certain things that give her more flexibility, she’s going to […]

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