August 2010

please stop with the tiny font!

I have spent much of today straining to read the tiny font on resumes and cover letters. I’m talking 9-point in some cases. Yes, yes, perhaps I’m just getting old and can no longer see very well, but 9-point is way too small. Haven’t we agreed as a society that 11-point is a minimum? It […]

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The Ask a Manager Guide to Preparing for a Job Interview

I made something for you! In response to the survey I did last week, a lot of you told me that that you really struggle with preparing for job interviews and feeling confident going into interviews. So check it out — I now have a free guide to help with that. How to Prepare for […]

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what does it mean that a job I interviewed for was re-listed?

A reader writes: I applied for a job with an organization, passed the phone screen, and was given a second interview less than a week later. I interviewed with a panel of people and was told at the time there were several candidates interviewing for this position. In my opinion, the interview went well. After […]

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managing an employee who was passed over for your role

A reader writes: There are lots of posts online about “how to deal with being passed over.” I am looking for perspective from the other side of the coin. I was awarded a GM role and have to work with someone who was passed over for my role. What is the best way to deal […]

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5 ways employers could improve the hiring process

Ask any job-seeker and they’ll tell you: Most employers do a terrible job of considering what a candidate’s experience is like in their hiring process. Job-seekers have story after story about employers who communicate poorly or not at all, who advertise jobs that don’t match up with the reality of what they need, and that […]

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thank you, and a note

I’m going through the responses from the survey I ran earlier this week, and I want to say two things: 1. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who replied. You guys gave such thoughtful answers, and I so appreciate you taking the time to help me out. You guys are awesome. 2. Sooooo […]

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