August 2010

what’s behind your nervousness in interviews?

When your nerves get the better of you in an interview, what exactly is it that’s causing your anxiety?  I’m not talking about mild nerves, but rather the type of nerves that are severe enough that they impact your performance and/or make the interview horribly unpleasant for you. When this happens, what specifically is going […]

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my manager refuses to give me better pay or better hours

A reader writes: I have been working at the same job going on four years and I am still part-time. This would not really bother me other than the fact that there are a few guys, younger than myself, who get better hours and better pay and haven’t been there nearly as long as I have. […]

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gimmicks have no place in the hiring process

I want to highlight something that I just posted in response to a comment on yesterday’s post, because I think it’s a message worth repeating more widely. This is in response to a question about using nice paper for your resume or sending it by Priority Mail: The day that I’m giving candidates extra credit for using […]

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let’s ring the death knell for postal mail in the hiring process

Several people have asked me recently about whether there’s any advantage to sending your resume — or later follow-up — by postal mail. I’m sure there are still some hiring managers out there who would disagree, but I hate postal mail in the hiring process for the following reasons: 1. It takes extra time. I keep […]

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tell me what you think

You ask me questions all the time, and now I want to ask you a couple. I’m working with Ben Eubanks to create something kind of awesome, but I want to ask you a couple of questions in order to narrow down the direction we’re taking it in so that we can make sure it […]

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when I talk to HR, don’t they have to keep it confidential?

A reader writes: I had a conversation with the HR Director about something happening in my department. She went to my boss with the issue, citing me as the source. This was not an official complaint by me, as we were not in her office but in the lunchroom. However, I considered conversations with HR […]

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