November 2010

the magic interview question gets featured on ABC News

Regular readers know what a fan I am of this magic question to ask your interviewer: Thinking back to people who have been in this position previously, what differentiated the ones who were good from the ones who were really great? I have now spread the gospel about it to, and it’s mentioned in […]

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one complaint about bosses that doesn’t hold water

Evil HR Lady is so good that I want to link to everything she writes, but I don’t because that would be ridiculous.  However, sometimes I cannot resist. In her BNET column today, she answers a question from someone frustrated that she keeps getting poor performance evaluations and can’t get promoted. The entire thing is […]

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5 reasons your co-worker makes more money than you do

Learning that a coworker earns more than you do can be infuriating, particularly if you’re doing roughly the same work at roughly the same level. Here are five reasons that might explain the disparity. 1. Your coworker negotiated better than you did when she was hired. There’s a wide variation in whether and how people negotiate […]

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