December 2010

where are they now: update #15 – call center misery

Remember the reader who was miserable in her job at a call center? Here’s her update. I no longer work at the call center. I was able to get my numbers up and pass the probationary period. However, later in the summer my numbers started to suffer again. There was a week were I wasn’t […]

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where are they now: update #14 – the aspiring librarian who didn’t want to give up her dream

Remember the aspiring librarian who was wondering if she’d ever get a job in her field? Here’s her update: I’m still on the hunt for a library or archives job, but I’ve had a few promising interviews since my question was posted. I found the suggestions from everyone very helpful, and the encouragement from several comments gave me […]

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where are they now: update #13 – the coworker who wets his pants

I’m quite sure you remember the letter from the reader whose coworker was chronically wetting his pants. Here’s her update. He’s still doing it. Nothing has been done. The IT manager refuses to confront him about his hygiene. Urine-stained pants remain in effect. I think I have just gotten used to the smell. His jacket is another […]

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a few housekeeping notes, and a holiday present to you

A few quick things — 1. If these “where are they now” updates get overwhelming, tell me and I’ll space them out more. 2. I’m finally switching over to WordPress this weekend. About 1,400 of you are still subscribed to my old RSS feed from when I had my old blogspot address, and if you […]

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where are they now: update #11 – interviewing again after an unsuccessful interview

Remember the reader who was interviewing again for a job he’d earlier been turned down for? Here’s his update. I submitted a question to you back in July regarding interviewing a second time after a prior unsuccessful interview with the same employer. Your advice was great, but as I’d mentioned in the comments section, I ultimately did not […]

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where are they now: update #9 – the lazy boss

Remember the reader with the lazy boss who played video games all day? Here’s his update. Not a whole lot has changed with the executive’s behavior but now there is another manager in between us so that makes it a little bit easier to deal with. I still see her with her feet up in […]

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where are they now: update #8 – coworker staring at my chest

Remember the woman whose coworker was constantly staring at her chest? Here’s her update. I took the direct approach. I went to his office, closed the door, and said, “I really don’t know how to bring this up, but because I think you’re someone who would rather have someone be honest and forthcoming, here it […]

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