December 2010

where are they now: update #6 – the embarrassing mom

Remember the woman whose mother was embarrassing her with her boss? Here’s here update. I talked to my boss and, as you suspected, he was cool. I told him I was mortified about her behavior and email to him, and that I was NOT behind that whatsoever. He said, “Hey, don’t worry. You’ve met my […]

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when you’re younger than everyone you’re managing

A reader writes: I recently accepted a job as a low-level manager (of a team of 8). I’m an outside hire. I have never had a supervisory position before. These problems seem surmountable – I’m smart and competent and good with people. The biggest issue I’m having is that I’m in my mid-twenties, which makes […]

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where are you now?

Last December, we did a bunch of “where are they now” updates from people who had had their questions answered here in the past year. It’s time for 2010’s version, so… If you’ve had your question answered here in the last year, please send me an update and let me know how your situation turned […]

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using info from Facebook when hiring

A reader writes: What do other hiring managers do when prospective employees post on Facebook about their interview? Yesterday, I conducted phone interviews for an entry-level library technician position. One of the people I was set to interview came to the library in person (45 minutes early), somehow missing that it was a phone interview, […]

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