December 2010

things that don’t belong on your resume #174

Another in our series of things that don’t belong on your resume: information about where your kids attend college and what they’re majoring in. I don’t even know what to say about this. But it seems clear that I might have to start traveling around the country in one of those vans outfitted with a […]

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am I being exploited as a volunteer?

A reader writes: I moved to a new city back in August to be with my fiance. I knew I was taking a chance moving to a new city with few contacts in a down economy; however, I am a very resourceful and driven person and cannot abide sitting around and doing nothing. In September, […]

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short answer Saturday: five short answers to five short questions

It’s short-answer Saturday!  Here are five short answers to five short questions. boss vs. manager vs. supervisor What is the difference between a boss, a manager, and a supervisor? At a previous job I was told “A will be your boss, and B will be your supervisor.” People at my current job use them interchangeably. […]

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8 ways companies can throw holiday parties employees will want to attend

Every year around this time, I hear from people complaining about various ways their companies are mishandling the holiday party, so here are eight rules for throwing a better company party. 1. Hold it during work hours, especially if attendance is any way obligatory. Seriously. People will be much more enthusiastic about attending. 2. After […]

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knee-high boots and business casual attire

A reader writes: I know you answer mostly work behavioral questions, but I have a question regarding attire. I work at a hospital (not as a health provider) that requires business casual attire. Now that the weather’s getting really chilly, I want to wear boots, knee high boots in particular. I’m not talking about patent […]

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this is how salary negotiation should work

The always awesome Jamie just posted this comment in response to an earlier post on job candidates disclosing their salary history: This was absolutely the worst part of the process for me – because I hate salary negotiation. I hate it because I’m terrible at it – so at least I’m self-aware. In an ideal […]

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short answer Sunday: six short answers to short questions

It’s time for short answer Sunday — six short answers to six short questions. Here we go: I have recently completed interviews for a couple different companies where the group of interviewees are rotated between 5-7 different interviewers for 30-45-minute interview sessions. Many of the questions that are asked either exactly the same or similar. […]

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don’t call to “schedule an interview”

A reader writes: Somewhere out there, somebody is telling kids that they should be “proactive” and call a company to “schedule an interview” as soon as they apply. I’m beseeching you to do a public service announcement to tell them to STOP. There is no way this is a good idea, and I am getting […]

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