how to fire an employee with a bad attitude by Alison Green on January 3, 2011 A reader writes: I have an employee who has been doing her job OK but has a bad attitude and is dragging everyone down. I know that you can’t fire someone just because they “have a bad attitude” so what is the best way to let her go? I am going to keep someone who […] Read the full article →
referring a friend for a job? not so fast… by Alison Green on January 3, 2011 A job opens up at your company. You have a friend who’s job-searching. Yay, get your friend a job and get to work with someone you like! Not so fast. Referring a friend for a job can have consequences that people often don’t take the time to think about. While there are of course times […] Read the full article →
short answer Sunday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions by Alison Green on January 2, 2011 It’s time for short answer Sunday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go: Asking for a quick decision when you have another offer I was offered a job on Friday, but I have second interview with a company I like on Monday. At the end of the second interview, how do […] Read the full article →