something cool and free for you by Alison Green on February 15, 2011 I’m really impatient. As such, training sessions and I often don’t get along — I get really annoyed at workshops, webinars, and speeches that move too slowly, give me info that I could have gotten in half the time just by reading a handout, or otherwise feel like an unproductive use of my time. If […] Read the full article →
terse answer Tuesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions by Alison Green on February 15, 2011 I got lazy this weekend and skipped Short Answer Saturday, so I’m making up for it with Terse Answer Tuesday. Here we go… explaining to an employee why he’s been rejected for multiple internal promotions I’m trying to figure out some language to address to an employee who was not selected for several positions. He […] Read the full article →
Valentine’s Day round-up by Alison Green on February 14, 2011 In celebration of Valentine’s Day, here’s a round-up of some past posts that involved romantic relationships — some good, some bad, and some really weird. how can I convince my husband I can’t accept a job offer on his behalf? is my wife’s boss coming on to her? coworkers are having an affair — should […] Read the full article →
8 things you should know about job references by Alison Green on February 14, 2011 If you’re job-searching, at some point you’re going to be asked for references. Here are eight things about the reference-checking process that you might not know. 1. Employers don’t always stick to the references on the list you gave them. Employers can call anyone you’ve worked for or who might know you; they don’t have […] Read the full article →
coworker monopolizes meetings with irrelevant topics by Alison Green on February 11, 2011 A reader writes: I have a question about how to deal with one aspect of a co-worker’s conduct that is frustrating and annoying my colleagues and me. Our office has a staff meeting once a week where we are given updates and other necessary information by our supervisor. It lasts about 20 minutes, and is […] Read the full article →
bad recruiter behavior: deceptive sales tactics by Alison Green on February 9, 2011 There are loads of good recruiters out there. But here’s a story of the type of recruiter you don’t want to work with — the deceptive, slimy kind who annoys the employers they’re hoping to pitch candidates to. Here’s the background: On the employer side of things, often when you have an open position you’ll […] Read the full article →
telling your boss she talks too loudly by Alison Green on February 9, 2011 A reader writes: I’ve been at my nearly perfect first job, largely thanks to your just plain awesome advice, for about 6 months. It’s a great atmosphere, I have great bosses, but there’s one small thing I don’t know how to handle, or if I should handle it at all. My department head, who I […] Read the full article →
will looking like a teenager harm my job search? by Alison Green on February 7, 2011 A reader writes: Okay, I know looks matter, but how much does it really matter? I am a recent college graduate, but get mistaken for a high schooler all the time. Being petite and short makes it even worst. I’ve tried getting a more mature hair cut, dressing older, wearing make up, etc… but it […] Read the full article →
want your resume reviewed by an expert (free)? by Alison Green on February 7, 2011 Suzanne Lucas of Evil HR Lady is looking for resumes to publish on BNET, where she and hiring managers/recruiters will critique them … and I’ll be her first guest critic! If you want your resume reviewed by me/her/other awesome people, you can find more details here: Would you like your resume reviewed by an expert? […] Read the full article →
short answer Sunday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions by Alison Green on February 6, 2011 It’s short answer Sunday (barely; I’m 90 minutes away from midnight, but hey, I got it done). Here we go… Changing out of snow shoes before an interview I was wondering your thoughts on wearing snow shoes to an interview, changing to dress shoes right before and maybe placing them in the coat closet? Ideally […] Read the full article →