I gave a good reference for my moody assistant — is it now biting me in the ass? by Alison Green on July 31, 2011 It’s been reference week over here. Let’s add one more. A reader writes: My former assistant called to tell me she had put me down as a reference. We had a rocky relationship (she was moody) at our previous company (which went bankrupt) but she was always competent, efficient and thorough, so I had to put […] Read the full article →
kitchen … and kittens by Alison Green on July 31, 2011 Several important updates that have nothing to do with career or management advice: 1.My kitchen is starting to look like a kitchen again! A photo from Friday (day 5) is here. The counters go in Wednesday, and then I will have my sink back and can stop living on take-out. I cannot wait. 2. As […] Read the full article →
what employers can and can’t say when giving references by Alison Green on July 29, 2011 The awesome Donna Ballman, who just happens to be an employment attorney, has a post up today about what employers can and can’t say about you when giving references … in a response to a question from a reader here, no less. You can read it here. Read the full article →
I’m scared my bullying ex-boss will give me a bad reference by Alison Green on July 28, 2011 First, here’s my kitchen, day four. It’s feeling very … white. Maybe too white. I’m freaking out a little. In any case … A reader writes: I am looking for a job right now. I left my last job for a number of reasons. I was burned out, and recovering from some health issues. I was […] Read the full article →
wee answer Wednesday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions by Alison Green on July 27, 2011 We skipped short answer Saturday this week, so let’s have wee answer Wednesday. And also, here’s a photo of day three of my kitchen renovation; please take a moment to appreciate your sink and stove. Correcting someone who got your gender wrong What is the most clear and polite way to correct someone who has […] Read the full article →
should I tell my boss about my bipolar disorder? should my spouse? by Alison Green on July 27, 2011 A reader writes: How can I explain to my boss how my bipolar illness sometimes affects my ability to get going in the morning? Up until now, I have kept my bipolar quiet, but after several instances of not making it to work till noon and being too ashamed to call, my supervisor is now […] Read the full article →
can I ask about salary range before accepting an interview? by Alison Green on July 25, 2011 A reader writes: I have held the same position since graduation. I did not have to interview for this position because I came in as a temp through a friend’s mother who was a manager in our department. I am looking to move on. However, I am only interested in leaving if I am getting more […] Read the full article →
because I refuse to go through this alone… by Alison Green on July 25, 2011 I’m renovating my kitchen, and today was day one. No sink for 10 days — and thus no cooking, and many gross pre-packaged sandwiches from the grocery store. And since I work from home, there’s no escaping my non-kitchen. Now is the time for you to pay me back for all this career advice with […] Read the full article →
when Satan’s intern comes to stay by Alison Green on July 24, 2011 Periodically, I like to throw out a question to readers to answer. Here’s one for you to tackle — and the story is long and juicy. Have at it in the comments… I work in a field that’s big on mentoring — at one point or another, everyone in my field had to intern. In […] Read the full article →
manager struggling with staff leaving early by Alison Green on July 23, 2011 A reader writes: I’m a relatively new manager (4 months). I am coming from the position of teammate to most of the staff I manage, but they all seem to have adjusted well to my new role and respected my move from peer to manager. I seem, however, to be having an issue with one […] Read the full article →