August 2011

want me to review your resume?

As I’ve mentioned before, I get a lot of requests to give people feedback on their resumes, but because it’s time-consuming to do it well, I usually turn them down unless they’re friends or family. But for a short time, I’m re-opening the resume review offer that I ran earlier this year!  When I offered this […]

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10 ways to annoy a hiring manager

In the mood to annoy a hiring manager and lose out on a job? Here are 10 ways to do it. 1. Ignore the application instructions. Employers give specific instructions for a reason and you ignore them at your peril. Don’t send your resume through postal mail rather than applying online as instructed, ignore the request for […]

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how can I tell an employer that their benefits suck?

A reader writes: A few weeks ago, I interviewed with a small nonprofit (maybe 8-9 employees) for a full-time coordinator/mid-management-y position that I was extremely well qualified for. Although I didn’t feel like I clicked on a personal level with the other coordinators I interviewed with, I still felt that I answered their questions well […]

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terse answer Thursday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions

It’s terse answer Thursday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions. I’m still considering doing angry August, as well. (And there’s a kitchen/kittens update in the comments.) Online application systems that replicate what’s already in my resume When applying for different positions, I have noticed that a lot of online application systems require redundant information […]

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how do I tell my coworkers my wedding is off?

A reader writes: I work in a nonprofit that has about 40 full-time staff and is very informal and laid back. As a result, we are all very friendly and often share personal information with each other – though I wouldn’t necessarily consider anyone a close friend. A few months ago, I got engaged and […]

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10 signs your boss just isn’t that into you

One of the biggest determinants of your quality of life at work is the relationship you have with your boss. Your boss’s opinion of you matters enormously; it affects everything from what kind of work you’re assigned to whether you get a raise to whether you ultimately keep your job. But people often miss the […]

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