November 2011

how to manage remote employees

If you’re managing staff members who telecommute or work in a different location than you do, you’ll need to put extra effort into making the relationship work smoothly. Here are five tips that will help. 1. Establish a clear system for communications and stick to it. If you leave it informal, regular communication is less […]

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how can I make my coworker stop talking to me?

A reader writes: I recently joined a new company and got to know a colleague of mine, who happened to come on board on the same day as me. According to her, it’s for this reason that she confides a lot of her personal and professional matters to me during office hours. I even got […]

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10 workplace myths, busted

For a place that we spend so much time in, there are a surprising number of myths about the workplace — from who HR is there to serve to how salaries are set, and much more. Here are 10 of the most common myths about work life, debunked. 1. Myth: If your boss is unfair […]

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my husband fired my friend

A reader writes: My close friend was recently fired by my husband. I was friends with her before my husband became one of her managers. Since he got his position, we have all hung out after work a few times but never discussed business outside the office. She was fired for not meeting her job […]

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tiny answer Tuesday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions

It’s tiny answer Tuesday — six short answers to six short questions. Before we launch in, my good news this week is that I don’t have to have surgery on my broken foot, just a cast. And I can stop giving myself shots in the stomach. (This will be my last injury update until I […]

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how long can I wait to respond to a job offer?

A reader writes: I’ve been offered a job via a voicemail message on my phone. I’ve been hesitant to call back immediately in the hopes of hearing from a second job, which I believe is better for my intended career path, although both of them are in the same ballpark of job, so to speak. What do you […]

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advice for new or struggling managers

If you’re a new manager (or a more experienced manager who’s struggling), I have advice for you on how to do your job well. (This advice also works for more experienced managers who are struggling.) 1. Get really clear on your goals. It sounds obvious, but too many managers simply tread water or get pulled in too […]

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how can I give my company feedback after I leave?

A reader writes: I just left my company, but they did not give me an exit interview. I had planned on telling them some things which could have benefited management (such as, “most people have incredibly low morale”), but obviously I did not have the opportunity. Is there a way that I can broach the […]

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short answer Saturday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions

It’s short answer Saturday!  Here we go… 1. Can my company fire me if I can’t move? I recently went through a long, strenuous training for my piloting job. They never said anything about living in the actual city of the airport I fly out of, they only asked if I lived in the metroplex, […]

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is this an unofficial rejection?

A reader writes: It’s been 3 weeks since I had my first interview with a company. I’ve tried umpteen times to contact the hiring manager and HR manager (both of whom interviewed me). I’ve only left one message with the HR manager. They are still advertising for the postition. I’m 99.9999% sure I won’t get […]

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