November 2011

coworker constantly swears and uses angry language

A reader writes: My coworker is constantly swearing. It’s really foul and demeaning language (such as “f***ing b**ch” or “thanks for nothing, you idiot”). Sometimes it’s low volume but at other times close to screaming or almost like a mantra, especially in the evening when many people have gone home. These outbursts are apparently not […]

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can my interviewer push me to answer personal questions?

First, a broken foot update, and then we’ll get to the question … I’m off the Percocet because it was making me dizzy and nauseous, and the pain has gotten reasonably bearable. I bought an amazing knee scooter like commenter Cheryl recommended earlier, and it has been revolutionary!  I was hating the crutches (and really […]

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your burning questions about salary, answered

If you’re like most people, talking to your employer about your salary is intimidating. You might even avoid it altogether, simply because you’re unsure how to raise it or because you worry about how your manager will react. But with annual performance evaluations coming up for many people, now is a perfect time to get […]

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10 questions you should never ask in a job interview

At the end of a job interview, your interviewer is likely to ask you what questions you have. An employer is looking for two things here: First, most obviously, your interviewer wants to help you flesh out your understanding of the job and company, as well as get you answers to whatever you’re wondering about. […]

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terse answer Tuesday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions

It’s terse answer Tuesday! Here we go… 1. New boss wants us to make all sick leave requests public My new boss, less than a month into her job as an assistant vice president, has asked us to “request a meeting” via a public folder in Outlook when we take time off. This allows all […]

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things employers forget in the hiring process

In a tight job market like this one, it’s easy for employers to forget that they still need to be careful about the way they treat job candidates. If they’re not, they risk losing great candidates, alienating potential customers, and even starting their new hires out on the wrong foot. Here are 10 things many […]

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fast answer Friday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions

It’s another post written on Percocet!  Here we go… 1. Can I bring my toddler with me to fill out temp agency paperwork? I am wondering if it is okay to take my 14-month-old daughter along with me to fill out paperwork and finalize details. I am in a tight spot because I was called […]

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injury update

Do you guys want the horrifying update on my broken foot?  This is not for the weak of stomach, so be warned. I saw the orthopedist today. Minimum of three months until I can put weight on the foot, two months before I can drive. Likely surgery. And I have to inject myself in the […]

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