December 2011

fast answer Friday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s fast answer Friday! We’ve got cosmetic surgery worries, a rude interviewer, a resume-writing side business, and more. P.S. Have I ever been so prolific in such a short period of time? Answer: no. Okay, here we go… 1. Keeping cosmetic surgery private at work I am planning on having a cosmetic surgery that I […]

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a whole bunch of updates

Here are five more reader updates. The subject line for each links back to the person’s original post. 1. The reader who was allergic to her office I’m sorry that the resolution to my story is not the most exciting, but here it is: I ended up not saying anything about it to my boss, […]

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16-year-old wants help getting a job in food service

Prepare to love this reader. She writes: My name is Laura, I’m 16, and I am applying anywhere and everywhere for a job. I’ve been researching like crazy as well. Your site is the first one I have come across that DOESN’T confuse the hell out of me. Your advice is fantastic! Here’s the thing; […]

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update from the reader with the overly chatty boss

Here’s our next reader update. This one is from the reader whose boss wouldn’t stop distracting her from her work by talking, talking, talking. Here’s her update: My situation has improved a little bit with my chatty boss. As I said in the comments, I brought it up in a one-to-one we had, and she […]

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update from the reader whose assistant was using her title on LinkedIn

Remember the reader whose assistant was using her title on LinkedIn? Here’s the update: In a strange turn of events, Management changed hands shortly after I arrived (Corporate Restructure) and the HR Assistant position was eliminated. Unfortunately for this young man, he made the mistake of having my position listed on his resume and who […]

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update about the coworker with the chronic cough

Remember the reader whose coworker coughed all day long? Here’s the update: My particular situation resolved itself, which is lucky for me but not so helpful for other people dealing with the same thing. In my case, I found out that the coughing woman has asthma and sees a doctor regularly. I think she managed […]

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how managers mess up performance evaluations

Performance evaluations often get a bad rap by people who see them as a bureaucratic waste of time. And, yes, if you treat performance evaluations that way – each one an exercise you just have to get through so you can say it was done – that’s exactly what they’ll be. But when done right, […]

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