December 2011

update from the reader whose boss was stealing her lunch

I know you’ve been waiting for this particular “where are they now” update: the reader whose boss kept stealing her lunch. Here’s her update: I’m so pleased to say that the locked box idea worked like a charm. My manager teases me daily about my lunch being under “lock and key” but at least I […]

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I punched a coworker at the company Christmas party

A reader writes: I’ve been working for my company for two years. I’ve been a model employee. Recently a fight broke out at the company  Christmas party between me and a co-worker, but it was off the clock and off company property. My boss wants me to resign. What should I do? I feel he’s […]

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my friend wants to sell her product to my coworkers

A reader writes: I have an acquaintance who is a salesperson, who I have not heard from in years, who found out I have a new job. She is now calling me in order to find out the names of key contacts in my organization in order to try to sell her product to them. […]

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should my employer pay for my cell phone?

A reader writes: At what point should you ask your boss to pay for your cell phone, or give you a company phone? I am a personal assistant to a realtor, and I’m starting to wonder if I should ask her to pay my monthly cell phone bill. Not only do her clients call me […]

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where are you now?

Every December, I like to publish “where are they now” updates from people whose questions I answered here in the past year. It’s time for 2011’s version, so … If you’ve had your question answered here in the last year, please send me an update and let us know how your situation turned out. Leave no […]

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an informational interview is not what you think it is

This will be news to some job seekers: “Informational interview” is not code for “sneaky way to get a job interview.” Informational interviews are supposed to be used when you’re new to a field and seeking insight and information from someone who’s already established in that field. They’re useful when you’re looking for information that […]

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