December 2011

short answer Sunday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

I don’t know how you guys feel about two “short answer” posts in one weekend, but … It’s short answer Sunday!  We’ve got a leaked salary, an IT worker trying to figure out how proficient she really is, a requirement to work Sundays, and more… 1. My coworkers might know my salary I have a […]

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fast answer Friday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s fast answer Friday!  We’ve got a reader wondering whether to tell her boss that people don’t like her, a confusing interview dress code, holiday gifts for bosses, and more… 1. Should I tell my boss people don’t like her? I’ve been working for my boss for just over 1 year. We have a great […]

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is a job offer letter a contract?

A reader submitted this question to me and I forwarded it over to employment lawyer Donna Ballman: I was employed at a large successful company. While there, I got a call from a man who is a CEO of a smaller company offering me a job and saying he could beat whatever I was currently […]

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“let me know if any jobs might appeal to me”

This is an excerpt from a letter I received from a reader recently. Don’t do this! I especially agree with your advice to students, since I (somewhat) recently graduated myself (’08). I get contacted by a ton of students from my alma mater and I am often discouraged by their lack of awareness about the corporate […]

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foot update

I know I said I wasn’t going to give a broken foot update until I was walking again, but since that’s slightly further off than I originally thought it would be, you’re getting one now. While I had hoped I’d be able to walk right after Christmas, it turns out that it’s at least five […]

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I know my boss is pregnant, but why hasn’t she told me?

A reader writes: My manager is pregnant. Six months, to be exact. How did I learn this? She didn’t tell me personally (despite meeting with her on a daily basis), announce it via email, or any of that. I heard it because I overheard her discussing her nursery decor with the person who sits 2 […]

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holiday parties that employees won’t dread

In keeping with our recent discussion of holiday parties, here’s some advice from me on how to throw an office holiday party that employees won’t dread attending. It includes my no-parties-on-a-boat rule. Please leave your own thoughts over at the original post! By the way, a few people have mentioned in the comments that I’m posting […]

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