5 things you should read by Alison Green on September 9, 2011 Five quick things for you: 1. I recently spoke with Debbie Laskey about hiring and all kinds of other stuff. You can read her interview with me here. 2. I also recently spoke with the Arizona Republic about things to know if you’re being fired. You can read that article here. 3. Speaking of being […] Read the full article →
should employers spend time rejecting candidates who weren’t even interviewed? by Alison Green on September 9, 2011 A reader writes: I work in a small office (there are really just a few of us full-time) and I recently hired someone for a general office position. I’m in an industry that’s really hard to break into so I got a lot of resumes quickly. After I reached a few hundred applicants and had […] Read the full article →
what do employers mean when they ask for a “proven ability” to do something? by Alison Green on September 8, 2011 A reader writes: In my recent job hunt (I just graduated from college in June), I’ve been seeing a lot of postings in which prospective employers require a “proven ability” to do something, such as meet strict deadlines or manage multiple projects. I’m confused as to how I “prove” my “ability” to do basically anything […] Read the full article →
my boss is my boyfriend and we’re both about to resign by Alison Green on September 7, 2011 A reader writes: I’m in a serious relationship with a man who was my colleague, and who was recently promoted supervisor of my department. Yup, he’s my boss. That, in itself, has not been a problem at all. But we’ve both been at this very small company for a few years and have been very […] Read the full article →
my employee didn’t give me a full job history — is that lying? by Alison Green on September 6, 2011 A reader writes: If an applicant is hired and later it is discovered that the applicant did not include information about a past job on the resume that I used in deciding to hire the applicant, is that considered lying on a resume? I’m asking because I called the newly discovered former employer who my […] Read the full article →
10 signs you have a bad boss by Alison Green on September 6, 2011 Everyone likes to complain about their boss now and then, but here are 10 signs that you have a truly bad boss, the kind worth getting away from. And if you’re a manager and recognize yourself in any of the below, it’s time to immediately send yourself to manager rehab! 1. Yelling. Managers who yell actually diminish […] Read the full article →
mini answer Monday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions by Alison Green on September 5, 2011 It’s mini-answer Monday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… Should I point out that my new company may be using temps illegally? I’m on my third day of employment and during the interaction with the person I am replacing, it was stated they have been using temp employees at some […] Read the full article →
advice for high schoolers on what to do in college by Alison Green on September 2, 2011 A reader writes: What advice do you have for high schoolers? I have a nephew who’s barely in the 9th grade – just started last August, in fact. Nevertheless, he’s already feeling the pressure from a million different sources to pick the right major that will lead to a relatively secure job. (And yes, I’m […] Read the full article →
is this blog a cheat sheet for bad candidates? by Alison Green on September 2, 2011 In the comments section of my last post, commenter John asked: AAM, have you ever wondered if your application advice is providing any net benefit? Because these things seem like a zero-sum game: if one candidate wins (gets the job), all the other candidates lose (do not get the job). So although your advice will […] Read the full article →
things I wish I hadn’t seen on your resume or in your cover letter by Alison Green on August 31, 2011 It’s true that your resume should market your accomplishments, but declaring that you are a “visionary leader” — as I read on two candidates’ resumes recently — is going a bit far. (Besides, if you’re really a visionary leader, I’ll see it in your accomplishments, right?) And “I have a very charismatic personality” is a […] Read the full article →