rude recruiters, job-hunting librarians, and more

A random assortment of stuff — 1. I loved reading all the comments about people’s secret fantasy careers — and especially seeing how drawn a lot of people are to careers that might look mundane to others. If you haven’t read them yet, do! It’s a fascinating read. 2. Speaking of things I enjoyed recently, […]

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how to find a job in another state

A post I did on applying for a job in another state back in January 2009 continues to get frequent comments even now, two-and-a-half years later, so I figured it was worth addressing the topic again. As difficult as the job market is for most people right now, it’s even harder for job-seekers who are […]

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short answer Saturday: 9 short answers to 9 short questions

It’s once again short answer Saturday: nine short answers to nine short questions. This week, we’ve got a recent grad who wants to wear her resume on a t-shirt to get attention, a coworker who walks away mid-conversation, and more. Should I wear my resume on a t-shirt? I’m a recent college graduate and have […]

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what is your secret career alter ego?

Do you have a secret career alter ego?  A fantasy career that you’re wildly happy in somewhere out there in a parallel universe? I have two: nurse and detective. Nurse, because I love taking care of sick people. I want to bring them soup and tea, ensure they are securely tucked into bed, procure them […]

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can my employer stop me from using the bathroom?

A reader writes: I hate to ask yet another “Can they do this?” question, but… can they do this? Some backstory, I’ve been working full time as a salaried, non-exempt employee at my company for the past three years. Throughout the entirety of my time here, I have often stayed late, arrived early, and rarely […]

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should you accept a job when you haven’t met in person?

A reader writes: I had a phone interview two weeks ago with a hiring manager at a nonprofit media company. The interview went well. I would need to relocate for the job, which I’m happy to do. The HR person who called me to schedule the interview said if the hiring manager wanted a second […]

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is referring to an orgy in my cover letter going to hurt me?

A reader writes: I was applying to jobs in advertising and I put the following paragraph in my cover letter. I haven’t been contacted by a single agency and, after reviewing my cover letter, I am concerned that putting the word “orgy” in the letter might have been inappropriate: “Although I enjoy my current role […]

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