update from the reader whose company was monitoring her bathroom breaks by Alison Green on December 23, 2011 Remember the reader whose HR department limited her to three bathroom breaks per day and required her to get written permission from her manager if she needed more? Here’s her update: My story sadly does not have a very happy ending, although I’m sure your readers will find it interesting. A lot of comments were […] Read the full article →
my new employee wanted to quit and now wants to stay by Alison Green on December 22, 2011 A reader writes: I have had a new employee for 3 weeks. Our jobs involve analysis and project management, and thus the skills needed, as well as the range of tasks we do, are broad. We are hiring due to growth in our small branch office in a market that began in 2001 and is […] Read the full article →
update from the reader who didn’t want to go to her new company’s Christmas party by Alison Green on December 22, 2011 Remember the reader who had been invited to the office holiday party before she’d started at her new job but was afraid it would be awkward since she didn’t know anyone and didn’t really want to go? Here’s the update: I wanted to give a quick update on the Christmas Party before I started work. […] Read the full article →
notice anything different? by Alison Green on December 21, 2011 Look up. Yes, my avatar has been clothed for winter! Many thanks to the fabulous Cassy Bindis, who answered my cry on Facebook for warmer clothes! Read the full article →
update from the reader fired by email and banned from collecting her belongings by Alison Green on December 21, 2011 Remember the reader whose boss fired her by email and then refused to let her return to the office to collect her belongings? Here’s her update: Oh man, this has been such a mess! He finally delivered all of my things to my home (in three trips) because I sent him an itemized list. It […] Read the full article →
thinking about grad school? think again. by Alison Green on December 21, 2011 I talk to way too many 20somethings who are planning to go to grad school but can’t explain what they plan to do with the degree once they get it. Instead, they have a have a vague idea that having a graduate degree will somehow make their career path easier for them … when the […] Read the full article →
my holiday gift to you by Alison Green on December 20, 2011 In a frenzy of holiday spirit, this week I’m offering you 40% off my e-book, How to Get a Job: Secrets of a Hiring Manager. Put in this discount code and you’ll get a massive discount: holiday2011 In this book, I set out to give you an inside look at a hiring manager’s brain, so […] Read the full article →
update on the coworker stockpiling smelly clothes in office that wasn’t his by Alison Green on December 20, 2011 Remember the coworker with major boundaries issues, who was stockpiling smelly clothes in an office that wasn’t his, answering other people’s phone, and engaging in other objectionable behavior? Here’s the update: Things are sadly…exactly the same. We have gone from being passive aggressive to flat out open and nothing fazes this guy. The office where […] Read the full article →
your new year’s resolution: better meetings by Alison Green on December 20, 2011 If your meetings stretch out endlessly, don’t end with a clear path forward, or are full of people playing Angry Birds under the conference room table, you might need a meeting intervention! Here are seven tips to get your meetings back on track. 1. Pause before you send that meeting request. Before you schedule a […] Read the full article →
update from the reader whose male colleagues didn’t believe she’d return from maternity leave by Alison Green on December 20, 2011 Remember the reader whose male colleagues kept making comments about how she wouldn’t return from maternity leave, despite her clear statements that she would be returning? Here’s her update: I’m presently out on maternity leave, actually. But after the column, I went and spoke to my manager and told her the comments that were being […] Read the full article →