when your interviewer just isn’t that into you by Alison Green on February 29, 2012 If you’re like most people, after you’ve had a job interview, you replay the conversation over and over in your head, trying to figure out how you did. But sometimes instead of focusing on what you said, it’s helpful to focus on what the interviewer said — because the most telling clues about how it […] Read the full article →
do not include a photo of yourself in your job application! by Alison Green on February 29, 2012 A reader writes: I work in the human resources department for a state agency, and we recently posted a job listing for a clerk typist position. We received one resume this morning that caught my eye, but not for a good reason. The top of the resume prominently featured a photo of the applicant, which […] Read the full article →
terse answer Tuesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions by Alison Green on February 28, 2012 First, some late-breaking news: Today, I walked. Slow, lurching steps that are sort of reminiscent of Frankenstein, but since these are my first unassisted steps since breaking my foot 17 weeks ago, I will take what I can get. And now: It’s terse answer Tuesday! We’ve got seven short answers to seven short questions, including […] Read the full article →
should women avoid baking for their colleagues? by Alison Green on February 28, 2012 A comment on a recent post interested me enough that I’m turning it into its own post, because I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on it. In commenting on yesterday’s post from a letter-writer who feared that a cupcake had set off an unwanted flirtation with a colleague, Kelly O wrote: Can I just say that […] Read the full article →
should employers hire overqualified candidates? by Alison Green on February 28, 2012 A reader writes: I’m currently hiring for a policy analyst position. Our position description says that we expect a graduate degree in public policy or related field, and at least 2-5 years of work experience. In the stack of applications, we’ve received several from people who have significantly more work experience than I do. In […] Read the full article →
my married colleague might be coming on to me by Alison Green on February 27, 2012 A reader writes: I work at a medical clinic with over 22 doctors. I usually work with one specifically and do X-rays on other days. I had a doctor come up to me a few weeks ago and tell me that he wanted me to run his clinic while his regular person is gone on […] Read the full article →
when your references aren’t responsive by Alison Green on February 26, 2012 A reader writes: I’ve had 2 jobs in the last 3 years after graduating, both with very small companies of fewer than 10 people and no formal HR dept. I’ve emailed and left messages for coworkers and manager from my last position to ask if I could list them as a reference, and I haven’t […] Read the full article →
short answer Saturday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions by Alison Green on February 25, 2012 It’s short answer Saturday once again! We’ve had a lot of these short-answer posts lately — they’re a great way for me to churn through a lot of mail — and I hope they’re not becoming overwhelming. In any case, here we go… 1. How to tell an employee she can’t have certain shifts off […] Read the full article →
can you ask about salary at a job fair? by Alison Green on February 24, 2012 A reader writes: I was looking at a flyer for the upcoming job/internship fair hosted by my university. It included tips for job-seekers navigating the fair. One of them advised not to ask about salary or benefits. Is it just me, or does this seem really weird and even inappropriate? It’s a job. The whole […] Read the full article →
fast answer Friday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions by Alison Green on February 24, 2012 It’s fast answer Friday — seven short answers to seven short questions. We’ve got a reader whose boss told her to be more confident, a boss who yelled at employees for eating breakfast, and more. Here we go… 1. Applying for the same job as a friend An internal job posting was recently posted within […] Read the full article →