February 2012

my company car is a pain in the ass

A reader writes: I’ve been working for a company for 10 years, and after my immediate line manager had an accident, I was “promoted” to supervisor (not manager) in his continued absence. My contract as supervisor states that my position comes with a company car, the personal use on which I pay the correct tax […]

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how to tell your network you’re looking for a job

A reader writes: I recently just got laid off from work and I’m back on the market looking for jobs. I’ve seen other colleagues/friends/peers send out mass emails to notify their network and request assistance in looking for jobs. Is this a good idea or bad idea? You definitely want to let people know what […]

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signs you should look for another job

All too often, people miss the signs that their job might be in jeopardy or that it’s time for them to move on to something else. Whether it’s an impending layoff or simply your own increasing unhappiness, here are eight signs that you should be considering looking for another job. 1. Your company or division […]

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did I burn a bridge with this recruiter?

A reader writes: In my recent job hunt, I was fortunate enough to interview with two companies. Company B contacted me about an interview at a point where I had already received a verbal offer and was waiting on physical offer from Company A. I firmly believe nothing’s final until it’s in writing, and went […]

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how not to alienate your new staff member

Have you ever had the experience of showing up on your first day at a new job, excited to start, only to discover that your new office isn’t at all prepared for you?  Maybe ended up telling you to sit and read company materials while they figured out what to do with you on your […]

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short answer Sunday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s short answer Sunday — seven short answers to seven short questions. We’ve got a frustrating interview question, last-minute job applicants, and more. Keep reading… 1. What’s up with this interview question? In an recent job interview, I was asked this head-scratcher (well, it’s a head-scratcher to me): “When assigned a project, do you think […]

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this is not an outlet for your grouchiness

I don’t know what’s going on in the comments section this past week, but this has generally been a reasonably respectful place where personal attacks are unusual, until this week when there’s been a sudden outbreak of nastiness. I’m not sure if it’s been the week-long “ask the readers” series or what, but I’m not […]

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ask the readers: can’t afford my job’s required travel

This is our last of our week-long “ask the readers” series. And this reader is in a particularly difficult situation. Be nice to him! He writes: I emailed you about a month ago about a position I had accepted that got frozen the day before I was to start. They finally reopened the position and […]

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ask the readers: workplace clique makes others feel left out

Here’s our next “ask the readers” questions — the second-to-last before our week of them ends tomorrow. A reader writes: I have a staff of about 20.  About 7 of them go out every weekend to dinner, movies, bars, etc.  They like to talk about their evenings out at work in front of other staff […]

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