February 2012

can difficult employees change their ways?

A reader writes: I would be interested in your opinion on how/if employees can improve and change their ways personality-wise. My colleague is very difficult to say the least, regularly throws tantrums, and believes that the world revolves around her. She seems to be convinced that she is the best thing to happen to this […]

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how to ruin your job interview

You can have the perfect resume and a compelling cover letter and show up for the job interview ready to impress, but if you make one of these stumbles, get ready to forego the job offer. 1. Being late. Being late to a job interview is often an instant deal-breaker. Hiring managers assume that you’re […]

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are you The Annoying Guy at work?

There’s one in every office: the loudmouth, the grump, the interrupter… In fact, talk to anyone about their coworkers, and you’ll almost always uncover a litany of frustrations – often about habits that most of those coworkers don’t even realize they have. But have you ever wondered if you might be that annoying coworker?  After […]

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tiny answer Tuesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s tiny answer Tuesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. We’ve got the value of being bilingual, employers who ask for a sense of humor, a nail-clipper in the next cube, and more. Here we go… 1. When you don’t click with an interviewer I’ve been on interviews where after interviewing with one […]

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how to deal with a rude recruiter

A reader writes: I’m looking for advice on how to deal with rude recruiters, due to a phone interview with one earlier this morning.  A third-party recruiter contacted me for a slew of opportunities he was hired to fill for a start-up company. Presumably, he found my profile on LinkedIn, as a few others have […]

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test your knowledge of workplace rights

Most people think they know what rights they have at work – but they’re frequently wrong. Workplace law isn’t always intuitive, and just because something is unkind or bad management doesn’t mean it’s illegal. Check out these common myths about workplace rights, and test your own knowledge of what your boss can and can’t do. […]

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dealing with domestic abuse in the workplace

In a recent post about what to do if an employee is being abused at home, commenter Marie left the following comment, which I thought was so powerful that I wanted to post it here separately to make sure people see it. Here it is: Outing myself here as a former victim of domestic abuse […]

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interviewers who haven’t even read your resume

A reader writes: What’s the deal with interviews that consist of a manager asking you to repeat your resume? I’ve been on two interviews for jobs that are sort of middle of the road, not entry-level or management. I get that people are busy and maybe don’t even really read your resume (I guess?) but […]

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still not walking…

Just in case you’re wondering, I’m still not walking, at least not without crutches. And yes, it’s been three months since the terrible tragedy that broke my foot. I am ready for it to be over (as, I imagine, is everyone around me). I’ve been entertaining myself by documenting the saga of my foot (well, […]

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