February 2012

ask the readers: how can I get Excel skills?

I’m throwing this one out to the readers to answer. A reader writes: I’m still two years away from graduating, but I’ve been looking around to get an idea of what kind of job I want to do and the majority of positions I’ve seen require experience with working in Excel. As a literature student, […]

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how to handle a nosy boss

A reader writes: What do we do with nosy managers? Since I’ve gotten sick a few times, my boss has asked me outright, “What do you have?” or “What did you have?” I get these questions in places where others can hear if I respond, so usually I give a very vague answer in reply. […]

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terse answer Thursday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s terse answer Thursday — seven short answers to seven short questions! We’ve got an employee with a breathy whisper, special treatment of a coworker, and more. Here we go… 1. My employee won’t say hello to everyone and has a breathy whisper I have seven employees and we all sit in cubicles on the […]

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how to stand out in a phone interview

More and more employers are using phone interviews as screening mechanisms to narrow down their applicant pool before deciding who to interview in person. These calls can range from short and perfunctory to long and in-depth, but either way, it’s crucial to be prepared for them. Here are 10 tips to help you ace phone […]

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