March 2012

you suck at hiring. let’s make you better.

Even though building the right team of people is one of the most important things managers do, way too many managers get it wrong. They give lip service to the idea that having the right people is key, but then they don’t do the things that should stem from that belief, like firing employees who […]

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how to be an awesome hard-ass

A reader writes: In a post recently, you described yourself as “blunt, assertive, kind of a hard-ass, and not a sugar-coater,” which is awesome. This is exactly the sort of person I want to be in my professional life. The thing is, I’m only just starting out in my career and I’m currently more wide-eyed, just trying to absorb […]

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reader update: the company with too many parties and gifts

Remember the reader last month whose company had constant, unending parties that employees were expected to attend and contribute to, as well as multiple gift-giving occasions to participate in and even float-making contests? The letter-writer was annoyed and concerned about the impact on her own finances and everyone’s productivity. Here’s her update: Just wanted to […]

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wee answer Wednesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s wee answer Wednesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. And this could be called the “just be straightforward” edition. Here we go… 1. I know that my boss is being let go, but she doesn’t know My boss and I share similar interests and on several occasions have gone out of town […]

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job search rules you should break

Job search advice that worked in the past isn’t always advice that you should still follow today. In fact, some of it can actually hurt your chances of getting interviews and job offers. Here are 10 job search rules that you should go ahead and break. 1. Limit your resume to one page. While you might […]

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I think my coworker may be stalking me

A reader writes: I started a new position in November and I really couldn’t be happier. There is nothing that I dislike about my company and most of my coworkers. I have a ton of autonomy and am growing so much professionally. There is one person who makes me uncomfortable though. I am the youngest […]

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what to do about a bad job reference

Many job-seekers mistakenly believe that employers aren’t allowed to give a negative reference or to do more than confirm dates of employment. But in fact, it’s perfectly legal for an employer to give a detailed negative reference as long as it’s factually accurate. And while it’s true that some companies have policies that they will […]

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coworker and I are in trouble for public email dispute

A reader writes: In my office of several hundred lawyers, it is common for people to send jokes and charity calls to closed email groups. I sent an email charity call to my fellow trainees (about 30-40 people), and a colleague sent a reply-all that just said “*delete*”. This colleague has a habit of replying to group emails with […]

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giving a dishonest good reference to get rid of an employee

A reader writes: The director of my department refuses to fire or discipline poor performers and troublemakers because she hates having to go through the process of hiring someone new. One of these bad employees (does everything possible to avoid doing her job, makes false complaints about her coworkers) is currently looking for a new […]

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