I now want the job I backed out of a year ago by Alison Green on June 30, 2012 A reader writes: Last summer, I was torn between two jobs: my job at the time and a new position with another company. Both managers competed against each other’s offer for about a week for my employment. I finally accepted the new job and gave the other my 2 weeks notice. To my suprise, literally […] Read the full article →
do I have to add my coworkers on Facebook? by Alison Green on June 29, 2012 A reader writes: Quick question about adding coworkers on Facebook. Some background: I am new the workforce, I just finished up a year-long internship with a very large multinational company and have been with my current company for about 3 months. This company is a small, family-owned and -operated firm. Everyone who works there, besides me and another new […] Read the full article →
telling a new employee that she over-shares by Alison Green on June 29, 2012 A reader writes: I work for a small marketing company and we just hired a new person for an support / assistant type position. Everything seems to be going well, but she is over-sharing personal details about herself. For example, she talks about her period and also was showing off her new tattoo, which is located […] Read the full article →
terse answer Thursday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions by Alison Green on June 28, 2012 It’s terse answer Thursday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. What does “competitive” salary mean? I’m curious as to your take on the term “competitive” hourly wage or salary compensation. It’s a phrase I’ll see on occasion in job ads and I never quite know how to take it. […] Read the full article →
interviewer is worried about my “big personality” by Alison Green on June 28, 2012 A reader writes: I have a perplexing situation I’m hoping you can assist with. I am still in the beginning of my career in a media agency-related field. I am in the final stages of the interview process at a boutique-sized agency and couldn’t be more excited. Note that a former boss of mine (who […] Read the full article →
team-building exercises: a scourge upon the earth by Alison Green on June 27, 2012 A reader writes: I just read this article on the worst team building exercises people have been forced to participate in. I’d love to hear yours and your readers’ experiences — I’m sure there are some doozies out there! My personal one is that we were doing team building/diversity training run by an incredibly artsy, […] Read the full article →
thank-you notes: they’re not about thanking anyone by Alison Green on June 27, 2012 The job search advice industry has done a decent job of convincing job-seekers that they should send a thank-you note after a job interview, but a really bad job of explaining why and what the note should include. Here are the five most important things to know about how a post-interview thank-you note can increase […] Read the full article →
is experimenting with your appearance unprofessional? by Alison Green on June 26, 2012 A reader writes: For the most part, I’m pretty conservative. Lately, I’ve had the urge to experiment a bit with my hair. When I was hired at my current job, it was shoulder-length and brown. A few months ago, I cut it fairly short and colored it red (auburn red, not, you know, clown red). […] Read the full article →
when a job application asks if your current employer can be contacted by Alison Green on June 26, 2012 A reader writes: I just completed an application that asked twice if they may contact my present employer. I said “yes,” of course, because I know “no” would read poorly. Now I’m in a position where I can only guess if they’ll call, and if they do, what I should say to my boss to […] Read the full article →
Ask a Manager radio interview by Alison Green on June 26, 2012 On Sunday night, I did a 40-minute interview with WGN Radio (the number one station in Chicago and a good portion of the midwest!). Host Bill Leff and I talked about everything from people who send in photos with their job applications, to why employers are ruder today, to whether or not you should use glitter on your […] Read the full article →