August 2012

fast answer Friday — 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s fast answer Friday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Can a teacher be banned from showing her students a questionable TV show? This question is about a public school, which I know has different rules than regular workplaces, but I’d love your advice. Can a public school teacher […]

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ask the readers: is my husband’s look hindering his career?

It’s another ask-the-readers questions. A reader writes: My husband has 2 degrees and is 61. He has never advanced in the business world, and I suspect it’s the sideburns, the same hairstyle and glasses from the 70s, the suits that are mid-ankle, the suspenders, and the long sleeve shirts he cuts to be short sleeves […]

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how to break up with a client

A reader writes: I have a question that seems as though it should be a snap, but is throwing me for a loop. Several years ago, I left a full-time job in order to freelance, and my most recent employer has remained one of my clients. I have been handling an ongoing series of projects […]

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things that don’t belong on your LinkedIn profile

* PSAT/SAT/ACT scores (and it’s even weirder when your summary leads with these things and you are in your 40s) * statements that you are smarter and more talented than the person viewing your profile (As in, “I am smarter than you. I write better than you as well.” This is not quirky and charming; […]

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wee answer Wednesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s wee answer Wednesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. How to follow up on a networking introduction I have a question about next steps after networking introductions made via email. I just moved to a new city, and an expert in my field offered to introduce me to […]

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2 amusing things

I have been watching this video over and over and laughing hysterically at it. Please watch it immediately. Also: In the process of looking for an old post on something else, I came across the one below. I am reprinting it here in its entirety because it is so wonderful. * * * angry boss […]

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could this unreasonable recruiter trash-talk my friend?

A reader writes: I’m writing this on behalf of a friend. I’ll call him “Dan.” Dan is not looking for a position but was contacted by a recruiter. The recruiter does not work for any one company, but is retained by various companies to recruit for them. The recruiter thought Dan would be “perfect” for […]

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what to think about before launching your own business

I see this advice all the time — “Can’t get a job? Become an entrepreneur.” There’s no question that it works for some people, but it’s far from being universally applicable. Starting your own business is hard, and it’s not for everyone. It’s not as easy as just having a skill and selling it. You […]

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