August 2012

10 mistakes you’re making when hiring

You are making these 10 mistakes when hiring. Stop it! 1. Hiring too quickly. The damage caused by a bad hire is far more significant than the impact of taking some extra time to make sure you’re hiring the right person. It’s worth it to leave a position open longer in order to find the […]

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feeling anxious about leaving my bad job for a better one

A reader writes: I don’t know if this is normal or not, but I’m having some workplace separation anxiety! Here’s the situation: I have been desperate to leave my job for some time now. I haven’t been happy here, I’m always frustrated, I disagree with the structure (or lack thereof) and my bosses’ ethics. Yesterday I […]

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my coworkers are heathens in the office kitchen

A reader writes: I am the office manager for a company that has recently moved into a building with two kitchens, one on the first floor next to all the meeting rooms and one two flights down, in the basement. Since clients have to walk past the first kitchen to get to the meeting rooms […]

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terse answer Tuesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s terse answer Tuesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Getting the money I’m owed I am a volunteer for a film director and I am experiencing some difficulty with obtaining payment that I was promised, in writing. I am due a percentage of opening weekend receipts for a […]

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how to find a great volunteer job

You should volunteer.  First, you should volunteer because it’s a good thing to do in the world, but secondly, you should volunteer because it can be good for your career: You’ll expand your network, get new things for your resume, and potentially learn new skills. I got my first real job  by volunteering!  It sucked, […]

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my former coworker wants my company to sponsor her party

A reader writes: My former coworker (and good friend) is a very well-liked person — even despite the fact that she left our company abruptly last year. She has decided to throw a party at her home for select staff members (I am obviously invited). The list has grown and grown. It’s going to be […]

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my cubicle gives me migraines and my boss won’t let me move

A reader writes: I’m at my wits’ end about something that seems very stupid: I get bad headaches from sitting next to two very large windows, and one of my two managers won’t let me move away from them. Lately, when the windows’ venetian blinds are open, I get bad headaches and migraines. (My dad […]

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mini answer Monday: 6 short answers to 6 short questions

It’s mini answer Monday — six short answers to six short questions. Here we go… 1. Reaching out to a recruiter who rejected you I applied for a job through LinkedIn, and it turned out that the job posting was being managed by a recruiter. We connected, and I started working with her on this […]

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what can we do about a rude volunteer coordinator?

A reader writes: My wife and I volunteer extensively at our church, especially with the children’s activities. We have a small issue with the staff member in charge. We have been professionals for quite a few years, yet, this person treats us like high school students working at a fast food restaurant. For instance, we […]

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