August 2012

how to deal with a micromanaging boss

If you work for a micromanager, you’re probably pretty miserable. It’s hard to feel trusted and valued when your work is being constantly scrutinized and your boss is checking up on things that you don’t think they need to check on. But there are often steps you can take to get more breathing room. First, though, […]

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how has your parents’ level of achievement influenced you?

In the discussion on the previous post (about some young coworkers from disadvantaged communities), some commenters are discussing the advantage that you get from growing up with parents with professional jobs, and the disadvantage that you can be at otherwise — in terms of expectations for your education and career, familiarity with professional norms, and […]

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terse answer Thursday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s terse answer Thursday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Coworker yelled at me for calling her by her first name I’ve been at my new job for about a month now am really comfortable with everyone bar one member of staff in my department. I’m an administrative assistant […]

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update from the reader whose coworker was stalking her

Remember the reader back in March who was concerned that her coworker might be stalking her? He was sending her inappropriate texts, making really inappropriate remarks, and then started to show up places where she was (outside of work)? Here’s her update. I brought the issue up to my boss and he actually went as […]

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how to cancel a lunch with someone who repeatedly reschedules

A reader writes: A couple of weeks ago, I met an executive who I thought was great, and I was interested in learning more about her and possibly forming a mentoring relationship since I am young and just started working after graduating in the spring. I approached her after hearing her speak and asked a couple of questions. Later […]

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emails with a reader frustrated with her interviewer

I recently had an email exchange with a reader who was disappointed that she didn’t get a third interview that she was expecting with an employer. I think she’s speaking for a lot of job-seekers in her confusion and frustration, so I asked her if she’d let me reprint our exchange here. She agreed — […]

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how new grads can impress at work

With spring graduations several months behind us, many new grads (well, the lucky ones, at least) are settling into new jobs and learning to navigate office life … and finding it more challenging than they expected. Here are eight tips for impressing when you’re new on the job: 1. First and foremost, have your act […]

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