August 2012

how can we make our staff meetings less boring?

A reader writes: My manager, who is the CIO and head of the IT department, recently asked me to help him redesign our departmental meetings to make them more meaningful and engaging to the staff. After the last meeting, he said to me “We’ve got to do something about these staff meetings. They’re so … […]

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mandatory company book club

A reader writes: Today, the owner of my company called everyone into the conference room and handed out copies of a book about the power of influence and persuasion. He announced that during our weekly team meetings, we will be discussing one chapter per week until we get through the book…like a forced company book […]

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tiny answer Tuesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s tiny answer Tuesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. My boss is pressuring me for information about a coworker who’s also a relative One of my coworkers happens to be my cousin’s spouse, whom I live with. We never work together and in the past when we did, […]

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should you accept an alcoholic drink during a job interview?

A reader writes: I’m employed at a university in the deep South. I recently attended an orientation session for students nearing the end of their schooling. One of the speakers at the orientation was from the career center, and she was promoting their services, which includes interview prep. As an example of what they can teach […]

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want me to review your resume?

As I’ve mentioned before, I get a lot of requests to give people feedback on their resumes, but because it’s time-consuming to do it well, I usually turn them down unless they’re friends or family. But for a short time, I’m re-opening the resume review offer that I ran a year ago. The cost: $75 What […]

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I’m doing 3 jobs, but only getting paid for 1

A reader writes: About 6 months ago, two employees in my department left – one quit and the other was laid off. I was asked and agreed to do the work of the person who quit and was told that the additional responsibilities would lead to a pay increase and new title. When the other […]

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some miscellaneous things

Some random notes — * Some of you have asked for the ability to subscribe to the comments feed for one particular post, rather than having to sign up for comments on all of them. Thanks to the wonderful and talented Laura Moore of Smallest Decisions, you can now do this!  At the bottom of […]

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more reader updates

Five more updates — 1. Remember the reader who wanted to volunteer for a local charity, but was concerned that volunteering would mean they’d never have incentive to hire her for a paying job (#4 at the link)? Here’s her update: I thought I’d let you know that the charity in question moved some things […]

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mini answer Monday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s mini answer Monday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Bringing a laptop to an interview Is it ever appropriate to bring along a slim laptop to an interview in case there is an opportunity to show examples of your work that would normally be difficult to print out […]

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