update from the reader with a coworker who was a registered sex offender by Alison Green on August 20, 2012 Here’s an update from the reader who had learned her coworker was a registered sex offender and was wondering whether to tell anyone: Unfortunately, my story doesn’t have a positive ending. About two months after you answered the email I sent you, my coworker was led out of our department by a supervisor and hasn’t […] Read the full article →
are courtesy interviews a waste of time? by Alison Green on August 20, 2012 A reader writes: I wanted to get your take on courtesy interviews. In my situation, they are done for any internal person who applies for a position who does not meet minimum qualifications. I think these would be a colossal waste of time. I think the hiring manager should do these candidates a favor and […] Read the full article →
8 questions job-seekers wish they could ask employers by Alison Green on August 20, 2012 When you’re interviewing for a job, it’s important to interview the employer right back, to make sure that this is a job you want and a company you want to be a part of. But there are some questions that most job seekers don’t feel comfortable asking — even though they’d love to know the answers: […] Read the full article →
how to negotiate a different title when accepting a job by Alison Green on August 19, 2012 A reader writes: I had an in-person interview this week for a position that I initially wasn’t going to apply for based on the job title. It was a marketing coordinator position, and I’m at the assistant manager/manager level; I’ve interviewed for some associate director positions too. When I read the job description, saw the […] Read the full article →
update from the reader whose romantically rejected coworker was causing problems at work by Alison Green on August 18, 2012 Remember the reader who rejected her coworker’s advances, which then resulted in him behaving like a baby at work? Here’s her update: Well, I hate to let people down, but there hasn’t really been a resolution to this situation. After I read your response and the responses of the other readers, I decided to give […] Read the full article →
update from the reader whose office wasn’t processing payroll on time by Alison Green on August 18, 2012 Remember the reader whose office manager wasn’t processing payroll on time? She worked in a small law firm and was concerned that the supervising attorney wasn’t aware of the issue. Here’s her update. After your response and the comments on the post, I went back to my supervising attorney and talked with him again about […] Read the full article →
update from the reader who recommended someone who lied to her by Alison Green on August 18, 2012 Remember the reader who recommended someone for a job with her former employer and soon found out the person had lied to get the job? She was planning to quit within months for grad school, something that would have prevented the company from hiring her if they’d known. The reader was concerned about how it […] Read the full article →
my boss wants me to do contract work after I leave for a new job by Alison Green on August 17, 2012 A reader writes: I just accepted a new job that is perfect for me right now and is a major promotion and raise. My current job overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated me. The majority of my department quit about six months ago and we never rehired; I just assumed all of their job responsibilities with no […] Read the full article →
update from the reader who couldn’t afford his job’s required travel by Alison Green on August 17, 2012 Remember the reader who couldn’t afford his company’s required travel? The company required him to bill the bills up front on a credit card in his own name and be reimbursed later, but he’d declared bankruptcy a few years ago and couldn’t get a credit card. Here’s his update. I would love to say that […] Read the full article →
fast answer Friday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions by Alison Green on August 17, 2012 It’s fast answer Friday — seven short answers to seven short questions (including an employee hoarding highlighters!). Here we go… 1. Turning down an offer from a former boss A few months ago, a former boss of mine — who I like and respect very much — offered me a job at her current employer, […] Read the full article →