August 2012

colleges aren’t preparing students to get jobs when they graduate

Far too many students are graduating from college unprepared to get a job. And part of the reason for that is that colleges aren’t providing the right guidance — and in some cases are actually providing harmful information. Here are eight things that higher education could do in order to better prepare students to find […]

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wee answer Wednesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s wee answer Wednesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Should I assume I didn’t get this job? I was interviewed last week (Wednesday) for a position that I really want. The interview went well, and I really think we got on well since we shared quite a lot […]

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how much should you ask for when you ask for a raise?

A reader writes: I am thinking of having a salary review meeting to discuss a raise. I know to come armed with my list of accomplishments, what I bring to the company, etc. (all the good advice from your previous salary posts). But should I also be prepared to name a specific number/percentage, and if […]

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a call for updates: where are you now?

A reader writes: I think it’s time to do another “Where are they now?” post! I think we would all like updates on some of the OPs from the last couple months. What do you think? This is so true. If I published your letter this year, please email me an update about how your […]

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my boss doesn’t want to hire older workers

A reader writes: I recently recommended a candidate to my boss. She has 20 years worth of experience, is a Harvard MBA and personality-wise would be a great fit. As soon as I told him that she had been in the industry for 20 years, he said, “No, no way.” He is all of 33, […]

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when an interviewer asks “why shouldn’t we hire you?”

A reader writes: My friend was asked a question during a phone interview and we were both stumped on a good answer. It was “Why shouldn’t we hire you for this job?” She answered that eventually she wanted to go to graduate school, so if they were looking for someone with longevity, she wouldn’t be their […]

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when you’re the lazy coworker

A reader writes: I am the lazy coworker, and I find it an exhausting, anxiety-producing, guilt-ridden existence. I stay on top of my day-to-day work well enough (just the minimum really) when there is day-to-day work to do. We’ve all got our own office, so no one really knows what anyone else does, even in […]

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mini answer Monday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s mini answer Monday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Interviewers scared me with negative talk about the job I just interviewed with a government agency in a major northeastern city. There were 3 people interviewing me, and they were pretty open about the problems about the job and […]

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my horrible boss’s coach wants me to give her feedback

A reader writes: I have a very, very difficult boss. The kind of boss that my friends, who have never met her, have nightmares about. Based on what I think was my recommendation to her boss, she is now receiving executive coaching. I am meeting with her coach tomorrow to give some 360 feedback. The […]

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