October 2012

terse answer Thursday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s terse answer Thursday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Asking to move an interview up Just today, I was invited to interview for a position that I am very excited to be considered for. The interviewer let me know he wanted to get the ball rolling as soon […]

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when a candidate sends you a framed photo of himself

Aggggh! A commenter on the recent post about not sending fruit baskets to your interviewer tops that with her own account involving A FRAMED PHOTO. She writes: I returned to my office one afternoon to find a beautiful gift bag on my desk. I thought that maybe it was from a secret admirer or an […]

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5 things your boss won’t tell you

Ever wonder what your boss knows but might not be telling you? No matter how much of a chatterbox your boss might be, chances are good that she’s not telling you everything – because most companies require managers to keep certain types of information confidential. Here are five common things that your manager generally won’t […]

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tiny answer Tuesday — 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s tiny answer Tuesday — seven short answers to seven short questions.  Here we go… 1. How do I make employees stop playing online when they’re supposed to be working How do I politely tell my employees to stop being on I.M. and Facebook all day? They lose focus. I’ve told them to stop, but […]

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can you say no to overtime?

A reader writes: I am a permanent, non-exempt employee, and I qualify for overtime at my workplace. I work overtime every now and then when needed, which I don’t really mind. However, my boss has been talking about an upcoming project where he sees us all working a lot of overtime — comparing it to […]

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is my laugh too loud for the office?

A reader writes: I think (know) I have a loud laugh. How can I tell if I need to dial it back, and how do you freaking do that? I’m a generally loud person; it’s a trait probably every single one of my friends would mention about me if asked to describe me. However, I […]

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mini answer Monday — 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s mini answer Monday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Internship would be perfect for me, if it weren’t an internship Earlier today, I found an online posting for a job that sounds absolutely perfect for me. The listed tasks fit perfectly with the education and experience I have […]

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