It’s short answer Sunday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go…
1. Working with an executive coach
I am working on internalizing my responses to the interview questions you outlined in your “how to get a job” ebook. Quite a few executive recruiters have contacted me, and I hope they can help me get to my dream job of being a program manager if I am unable to get there on my own. I am very ready for this next step in my career.
Do you think investing in an executive coach is worth paying out of pocket if my current company is unable to assist (over $4k)? At times I get a sense that I could use some polishing, but $4k is a huge chunk of change.
It really depends on your particular context, what you’ve already tried on your own and how well that has worked, the particular coach you have in mind (because plenty of them suck), and the jobs you’re aiming for. But in general, I wouldn’t recommend spending that kind of money except at fairly senior levels, and then only if you have specific problems that you want to address. I definitely wouldn’t do it just to help you get a higher-level job; executive coaches usually help you improve specific skills on the job more than they assist with job searching.
2. Is my last employer badmouthing me?
If I’ve literally applied to over 50 employers and none worth contacting back have contacted me, should I assume that there’s something wrong with my resume or that my last employer is putting salt in my game since they knew how much I hated working for them? And if you don’t check “ok to contact employer” on an application, do potential employers contact them anyway or count it against you?
It’s very unlikely that employers are contacting your references before even interviewing you; reference-checking usually takes place at the later stages of the hiring process. So I wouldn’t blame your former employer. It could certainly be your resume or cover letter (it is for most people), but it could also just be the economy (with more job seekers than job openings).
As for indicating that it’s not okay to contact an employer, that’s normal if it’s your current employer — but generally a red flag if it’s a past employer. Most employers will ask you what the deal is if you tell them not to contact someone (since the assumption is that you don’t expect them to say positive things).
3. Online application systems that require retyping your resume
What is the point in uploading my resume to an employer’s website, only to be asked to retype it by hand into the questionnaire about past employment? I find this tedious and a waste of time. It tells me that a piece of software is going to scan for keywords and I have about a one percent chance of it ever reaching human eyes to be reviewed. I have found the less time spent filling out forms on line, the more responses I get.
Plenty of people do find employment that way, but yes, it’s absolutely tedious and an indication of a lack of concern about candidates’ time.
4. Manager sent me home because of my new haircut
Today I went into work, after my two days break, and walked in the restaurant to clock in as usual. I am a host, and I am a sophomore in college who is working part time to make some extra money. I am a more stylish guy and love to look good. I have worked here as a host for around a month and had just the typical hair cut, a little grown out but nothing too long. Two days ago, my roommate (who is a barber) cut my hair. He gave me a clean looking mohawk. For a reference, if you were to google Cristiano Ronaldo, you would see the exact same hairstyle.
I was approached by one manager who told me my hair looked nice. I then proceeded to the office to get some supplies. Upon entering, another manger approached me and said “You need to go home!” We held a conversation as to of why I had to go home. It was simply because of my hair. There is one African American man who is a server there who has a mohawk, and another white man gels his hair into a mohawk. I looked up the requirements for hair in my training guides I was given during training. It reads, “Must be clean and neat. No extreme colors or styles are permitted. Hair, longer than shoulder length, is acceptable provided it is neatly restrained from possible contact with food.” So, my questions are: 1) Am I in the wrong for being upset? 2) Is that unfair? 3) What should I do?
That’s a pretty tame hairstyle, based on the images of Cristiano Ronaldo. But if your manager wants to deem it an “extreme style” and tell you that you can’t wear it that way to work, there’s not really anything you can do about it, as long as the decision isn’t being based on your race, ethnicity, etc. You can certainly try pointing out that two servers have similar hair styles, but ultimately, if he’s telling you that it’s not okay for work, that’s his call and you’ll have to decide if you want the job or the hairstyle more. (Or maybe you can make the style look more conservative when you’re at work?) I’d be annoyed too, because it’s far from extreme, but ultimately it’s his call.
5. Taking on more work without more money
In 2010, in addition to my own job duties, I took on the duties of two other coworkers who were fired. Today is the last day of one of my other coworkers, and my boss hasn’t hired anyone else. I have a feeling she will ask me to do her job as well. My boss did not offer me extra compensation or benefits two years ago, and I have a strong feeling she will not do it this time. How can I tell her that doing the jobs of three other people plus my own will require increased compensation in a tactful way? If she refuses, and I quit, could I offer this as a reason for leaving or should I keep the response generic saying “to seek a new atmosphere and new challenges”?
You can certainly say, “I’m already doing the jobs of two other people, in addition to my original one. Given the additional hours and responsibility that taking on this one as well would add, I don’t see any way that I could take this on at my current compensation level.” (That assumes, of course, that doing all this really does add up to enough work to justify that. If you’ve been able to juggle the work of three people because they weren’t busy jobs to begin with, or because business has dropped since then, then you won’t have a strong case to make. It needs to be based on actual workload.)
If you end up quitting, you can and should explain that it’s because of the significantly increased workload without additional compensation; that’s valuable information for them to have. (But don’t quit without another job lined up!)
6. Should I have asked for more money?
Long story short: After a tango with a recruiter, I have a job offer! The offer is for the high end of my asking salary. I only discussed my previous salary with the hiring manager. So really, I did not present an asking salary as much as I let her know what I was projected to make at my current job if I stayed there through 2013.
Their offer surpasses that by a few thousand, but it also includes more responsibilities and a move to a pricier area. This is a great job for me, and I have no real regrets in accepting their offer, but since I accepted the offer, other people in my industry have implied that I should have asked for more, or that if I had I would have gotten it.
I do not have any interest in renegotiating salary right now, and the start date is in a few weeks. At what point should I bring up a possible raise? How do I know if I asked for too little? How does someone avoid this in general? I do not like the idea that I sold myself short.
You really can’t renegotiate salary or ask for a raise any time soon, because you already agreed to the offer. (Imagine if they came to you two months into the job and told you that they realized they could have got you for less, and so they’d like to cut your salary — that would be operating in bad faith, right? Same thing here.) You want to research what an appropriate salary range is before you get to the point of talking salary with an employer — or at least before accepting an offer. Now that you’ve accepted it though, you really can’t ask for a raise before you’ve worked there a year.
In general, you want to wait until you’ve been at a job for a year before making the case for a raise. Most employers don’t expect to give one before then.
7. Our performance evaluation forms are too long
The company I work for has what I believe to be an overly-onerous performance evaluation document that employees and their supervisors are meant to fill out annually. Once completed, meetings are conducted to discuss the finer details.
The issue is that, at a minimum these forms are about 7 pages in length. For some of the supervisors’ performance evaluation forms, we’re talking about a 14-page document. The result is that people put off filling out these forms, evaluations get delayed, and most everyone winds up feeling unhappy about the process.
Do you have any examples or even a few thoughts around what length of form and level of detail is required for performance evaluations? I understand no two industries are the same, but I just feel like 7-14 pages is rather absurd.
Yeah, that’s long, especially if you’re expected to write comments, not just do ratings. The Management Center has a good sample evaluation form here. (It’s four pages, plus instructions.)
That said, performance evaluations are worth spending some serious time on, given that they might be the most in-depth discussion that you have about your performance during the course of the year. If people are delaying filling them out, that’s a problem that needs to be addressed.
#4- I’d definitely ask to speak to the next higher manager. You have two indications that your hairstyle is appropriate- a manager already saw it and gave you a compliment, and two other front-of-house employees already have that haircut. Did you find out what made you different from them?
In general, you should check yes unless they’re your current employer. Even if it would be a bad reference, I’d still say it better to bank on the idea that they either won’t call them at all, or at least won’t call them before an interview where you can dazzle them first, rather than checking “no.” There’s no case (other than current employer) where that “no” isn’t suspicious, and it could be enough to cost you an interview.
In this case, view checking yes as “You’re welcome to *try*.” :)
@Anonymous: You really bought up some points that really made me think & confirmed the very thing I was afraid it would look like. I’m going to take your advice & check ok to contact although I despise the heck out of my old manager & supervisor (others too but I digress). Thank you so much for responding. You also gave me a good laugh & smile that I desperately neeeded. You’re awesome!
I recently checked “no” for contacting a former employer from 2005. It was a non-profit that’s been restructured, and no one who I worked with still works there. I indicated this in a note on the form after indicating why I left. Was that a mistake?
If it were me in the future I’d say it’s ok to contact that employer. While no one particularly relevant to you is still there, they would have no trouble confirming you were employed and the fact no one was available for a suitable reference would probably come up if any inquirers pushed hard enough.
As to whether or not it’s a mistake it will probably vary based on who’s looking on your complication. 2005 was a while ago so some managers may not care by now, but some might.
I’d check “yes” in that situation — there’s no reason an employer can’t contact them, and they should be able to verify your employment, even if they can’t give an actual reference.
Would she have to specifically indicate that those she worked with are no longer there? (I don’t have this issue myself…I’m just curious for future reference).
She doesn’t have to, but she’ll look more on top of things if she does.
I wonder whether OP 2 is applying to jobs that don’t really match his/her skill set. The phrase “over 50 employers and none worth contacting back have contacted me” seems odd. If you applied to a job that you were interested in, why would the employers that contacted you be not worth replying to? Perhaps the OP is applying to too many jobs, some of which aren’t actually good fits, and doing so quickly rather than putting enough time into personalizing cover letters, etc.
This is a lot of speculation on my part, but, OP2, if you have been applying to just everything and anything, maybe that’s part of the issue.
That phrase struck me too. If they’re not “worth contacting back”, why apply to them in the first place?
On that sentence, I assumed OP was referring to scam employers being the only ones that contacted back.
This. There’s a LOT of that. Usually, it takes the form of “We want to interview you, but we make our people do their own credit checks via this website” or you’re sending your resume to a place where no job exists and it’s a front for college recruitment phone rooms. The latest I found is someone from India will contact you and while some agencies like Aerotek do you offshore recruiters, some of these are scams to farm your resume or worse, personal info. Of course there’s also the classic “money laundering” scams, which have become more clever about looking like an actual position. If there’s a fake job ad scam to be found, I’ve pretty much encountered them all (didn’t go any further with them, of course!).
“do you” should be “do use”!
That makes sense – thanks!
@Kimberlee: You’re absolutely correct. Them & companies I didn’t apply too to begin with but wasn’t interested in them like insurance companies that absolutely love me right now & sales positions that I also don’t want.
In my experience I’ve applied to hundreds of jobs through, say, Gregsinventory , and the vast majority of the ones that responded back were scams. (“Spend $200 and you can earn $2000 from home!)
I don’t know what Gregsinventory is, but I wonder if maybe it’s not a resource worth spending much time on, based on your results?
I did a search and turned up nothing…then I realized that Anonymous was talking about a guy named Craig, and a list he is said to have…
Oh! Yes, in that case, it’s swimming with scams!
I was assuming that was a euphemism for Craigslist, no?
Yup, I meant Craigslist….I’ve noticed people here don’t like to name some specific places, so just a lame attempt at imitating that. :)
Honestly? I was using that as my primary source but given my horrible experience with it, I’ll be better off if I move on to something else.
Yeah, Craigslist is known for attracting lots of scams and lots of less-than-professional jobs.
One other point – there are a few aggregators out there (looking at you, that pull from highly specialized sites and copy or link job postings. They might have ads that look worth applying to, but they tend to drop off the point about it coming from an industry-specific site and thus not really applying to 98% of the job-seeking world. So if you’ve never heard of the original site, chances are it’s a waste of time to apply.
@AP: I know exactly what you mean. Indeed is one of the job boards I’m using. I’ve seen that as well-ticks me off royally. They have no idea how someone like me views them. I’m like…I’m broke & need a job…ya’ll play too much. I wish they would just be upfront & honest about it but the world would be a much better place if everyone was like that I suppose.
I actually was the person that applied to over 50 jobs but the ones that contacted me back that weren’t worth contacting back…I didn’t apply to them-they just saw my resume on a job board. Maybe I should have worded it differently. (frustrated) Some of the jobs I’ve applied to are the same line of work basically I’ve been doing while others are totally different because I want to do something different if given a chance. I’ve totally revamped my resume three times now. I get don’t know whether to take it personal as it’s something I’m doing, if there’s a large amount of candidates & I just wasn’t picked, I just flat out wasn’t qualified or they just don’t want me because although I have most of their qualifications, I haven’t worked in that atmosphere. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I don’t want to take a pay cut either.
I would definitely not take it personally, especially if you’re already doing what you can on your cover letter and resume. I applied for hundreds of jobs the last time I was looking, resulting in 1 offer (for a bank teller position, part time), and 2 interviews (one of which didn’t hire me, and the other I couldn’t attend because they wanted someone there early the next morning). Unless you’re the cream of the crop, or intentionally applying for jobs that you are slightly-but-not-too-overqualified for, getting one hit in 100 applications is not unheard of; it’s just a numbers game.
The best thing you can do is keep improving! Is there a certain skill that is preferred for a lot of the jobs you’re apply for, but don’t have? Can another person review your cover letter and resume (perhaps for the umpteenth time)? Can you try other job boards? Just hang in there and keep trying!
Try not to take it personally, all you need it someone who sees your potential and takes a chance on you. It happened to me – temp library employee now turned admin assistant for a fairly specific organisation (we deal with nursery/care home/children home etx inspections) so I have the faith it will happen to you Liz and anyone else!
@Kimberlee, Carrie, Me Too, Blinx & Kou: Thank you all for responding. I can’t begin to tell you how much your comments meant to me. I literally started crying because others understood how my pain/struggle & that I wasn’t alone. I really needed encouragement & you all definitely uplifted me. May God bless all of you bountifully. Like “Me too”, I’m also trying to be optimistic but it does get to me sometimes. I keep telling myself, well…never know…God could have pushed away many other disaster jobs like your last one & arranging for you to find the one that’s really for you or them find you. (@Blinx: I totally feel your pain. That happened to me some years ago…victim of a pyramid scam & was out of $250). It seems I keep getting responses from the same categories that I don’t want: insurance companies, be a supervisor or a manager, sales or companies that’s even further than my last employer which was a hour away. I’ve applied like Kou to jobs that I wanted, not so much & companies that I was just trying to get my foot in the door but I met “most” of the job qualifications but was hoping someone would give me a chance. I’m also trying to get back in college for something in the healthcare industry. I’ll probably have to take an online course because I have a two year old & a four month old.
Liz, what types of people have you had review your resume so far? Have you had anyone with experience hiring look at it? And does it focus on achievements rather than just job duties? Those are the first questions I ask now when someone isn’t sure what the problem is, since nearly always it turns out to be their resume!
And how’s your cover letter? Does it basically summarize what’s in your resume or does it add something new about why you’d be great at the job? 95% do the former, and tons of people tell me that when they start doing the latter, they start getting calls. (Check the cover letters category in my archives if you haven’t already.)
Aside from that, when you’re applying for jobs very different from what you’ve done so far, are you demonstrating for employers in your resume and cover letter why you’d be a good match?
So far, I’ve had my mom, husband & an old collegue review my resume. I don’t know anyone that has hiring experience to review it unfortunately. That would have been a blessing within itself because they’re input could tell me if I’m doing anything wrong or could just add or reword something to help me out. My resume has the job descriptions but I have a section devoted to job achievements & another for my skills. I don’t have a cover letter. I use to have a summary on my resume but I’m afraid to do a cover letter for fear of saying something that may cause them to pass me up & I’m not sure what to say also. I also haven’t focused on a cover letter because I haven’t applied to just one specific type of job. It’s mostly customer service but I would literally have to right a customized cover letter for each job. Maybe I start using cover letters…I’ve never used them in the past.
You definitely need a cover letter, and yes, it should be customized for each job you apply for. That’s part of how you stand out as a strong candidate.
I would read through the whole “resumes” category in my archives here, and the whole “cover letters” category. (You could also check out my ebook, but if you want to go the free route, read those categories in the archives.) From what you’ve written here, your resume and cover letter are the problem, and that’s fixable if you put time into learning how to do them.
Liz, I could have written your letter. Applied to over 90 jobs in a year, with only a handful of interviews and phone contacts. And paranoid me, I’m thinking that somehow I’ve been blacklisted in the industry. But no. It’s just a rotten economy and the old supply and demand situation. Up agains way too many qualified applicants. Hang in there, and continue to redo your resume. That’s what I’m doing. I just started going to workshops at the unemployment office, and they are surprising good!
Like Liz, I have applied for many, may jobs, both in my field and out. It helps to know others are having the same experience.
While I have had some good interviews and remain optimistic, I know from a former colleague that my former boss was actually badmouthing me: She implied that I was fired (I was not) to other colleagues. She also told people in other departments that I had been hired by another company (I had not – random and not badmouthing but still…). Thankfully, I have a few strong contacts who have helped me find part-time work.
This is how the job market is right now, I’m afraid. I was unemployed for a year and a half, and I stopped counting after I applied to 50-something jobs but I’m sure I eventually applied to well over 100. I was completely qualified for all but maybe a few that were a stretch, and I received a grand total of three legitimate callbacks that entire time. I was eventually applying to everything from my choice jobs all the way down to retail at mall chain clothing stores, and even those got no response.
I did eventually get hired back into my field to a job that’s making full use of my experience, but it was a long time in the making.
Thanks to those that responded to the “ok to contact” question. That was also me that asked. I’m in a limbo because…well, have you ever had a job you absolutely hated & just putting on a front about it wasn’t always possible? Well, that was my last employer. I HATED THEM! I would come in the best I could & have a nice attitude, put my best foot forward dispite the three years of raise freezes & lay offs they had & the loads of extra workload that stressed all of us out following not to mention over a hour commute time…There were also some operations within the company I didn’t agree with as I felt they were dishonest. I felt they were not treating their distributors they way they should or helped them the way they should or should I say equally. They only went out of their way for those who basically financially held the company up but others who didn’t make as much but needed assistance, they down right refused to help them although they were trying. I was a support rep for all distributors & was ticked about it. I didn’t feel comfortable working for a company like that or for a company who daily practiced lying so that’s my concern on whether I should select ok to contact because if they would treat their distributors so poorly, etc. I’m concerned what they’ll tell my next p0tential employer because I left their company.
I think that’s more of a fauxhawk than a mohawk. Either way, I like it :)
Me too. Fauxhawks are pretty cool. I wonder if the manager in question communicated poorly and his real issue was “Okay, we already have 2 of those hairstyles, I don’t want this place overrun with them/don’t want this to become known as “That Mohawk Place”. People don’t always express what the real issue is.
Oh, that’s an interesting thought–I could see that, whereas I was having trouble seeing why the haircut on its own is a problem.
I agree with you, Nyxalinth. OP, it is totally reasonable to ask your managers, or better yet, their supervisor, for clarification on the hair policy. Are either of these managers new? There definitely seems to be a disconnect here. It doesn’t make sense that there is no issue with your mohawk-having coworkers (especially the one whose hair is actually cut/shaved into a mohawk style), but your barely-fauxhawk is AGAINST! POLICY!!!1
I honestly cannot remember ever even noticing what kind of hairstyle my server has, unless it’s something really out there or is purple, or something. Fauxhawks are so common they don’t really even register. Or maybe this particular manager is jealous because he looks awful in one and everyone else looks great?
That haircut is cute. A restaurant not wanting someone with that look must be pretty stodgy.
That’s what I was thinking. I can see how that haircut could be seen as “inappropriate” for a certain type of high-end restaurant catering to a high-end audience. If it’s an Applebee’s or whatever, that’s just really silly. There are even places like Tokyo Joe’s that encourage an “alternative” look in their employees and encourage people with tattoos and piercings to apply. It’s part of their brand image.
That haircut is nice…..and CR is sexy :)
I basically have put “OK to contact” on every single job EXCEPT for one (I have mostly temp history), where I was working for the US Census….I did have problems with two of my crew leaders, but I was also bounced around from CL to CL towards the end of the assignment, so I never kept in touch with anyone from there. Thankfully, I did work after that and have managers/supervisors as references… it’d be a real shame to not get a job because of that one job. I was considering just removing certain jobs from my resume but that would leave me with gaps spanning years, so I doubt it’d help any matters.
A host at the restaurant I work at has a mohawk, which he slicks down to something more ‘respectable’ while he’s working (no one asked him to, but it’s his first job and I think he’s being extra careful). It looks pretty dorky slicked down, but it’s not obviously a mohawk that way either.
#7 My easiest performance evaluation to complete was the one where I followed the company’s advice of thinking about what I wanted to put in it every month and keeping notes for myself. I actually ended up with 36 pages that took me just 5 minutes to copy and paste in. I then had to edit it down to something more manageable, but that was much quicker and easier than trying to fill out a blank document. I wish I’d stuck to doing that this year as I keep ending up on AAM instead of completing the form.
I find this way helpful as well. I use stick it notes so I end up with 10-20 stick it notes. Our evals are about 3-4 pages.
#6: I would take the comments that you could have gotten more with a grain of salt. I know a lot of people who *still* base their opinions of the job market on how easy it was to get a job in 1998 or 2003 or some other boom period. The argument that you “should” be earning more may have no basis in the realities of today’s market.
OP#2. Can a professional sounding friend call your former employer and find out for you?
I really think that filling out 50 apps is not unreasonable. I know people who have filled out 100 or 200. Employers have the advantage right now. Hang tough.
OP#4. I like the hair cut, too. I don’t see why the employer is having a problem. The only thing I can think of is that maybe it is too stylish and the work environment is more conservative? But then why are other people at work sporting mohawks? Could it be that they told other people the same thing that day? Because you went home you did not see that everyone in the place received the same message? (Probably a stupid question, but I had to ask.)
OP#6. Always consider the source of a remark. How many people told you that you should have gotten more money? 2-3? What are some reasons for their motives in saying that? Watch out for naysayers. These are people that NO matter what you tell them their response is to point out how you got screwed in some manner. Naysayers come in all kinds of costumes- it could be a parent, a friend, a coworker…. It sounds like you were pretty happy until you talked to these folks. I had a close family member who realized his mother was NEVER going to say anything positive about his job choices. His solution was to stop telling her about what he was doing/planning. He turned to the positive people in his life with matters regarding work.
OP#7. Be sure to include on your current evaluation form that the length of it is daunting and impends progress in the evaluation process as employees feel overwhelmed at the thought of completing the form. In the past, I have included complaints about the evaluation process as part of my evaluation. Not that it did much good. But I felt that at least I spoke up.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s worth having anybody call the OP’s previous employer if the problems happen at the resume submission stage. It’s really unusual to have anybody check references at this stage, and it’s really common to misaim your application package or have a resume and cover letter that aren’t as strong as they could be.
#3 – Please tell me you’re not actually retyping your resume, just cutting and pasting, right? That’s not too bad. The thing with online aps, is you never know if they want your resume to populate all of the fields, or just to print it out for the hiring manager. If given a choice, I always cut/paste. It’s more accurate that way. The whole online ap system is annoying and inconsistent, but what other choice do we have? I just applied to the NA headquarters of a major company, and I was shocked that there was no place to upload a cover letter! Had I known, I would have added it to my resume doc.
3.. Save a copy of your resume as text. If you’re using Word or Open Office, copy and paste your resume into a notepad document and save it. Then you can copy and paste into an application without worrying about rejections for unreadable formatting.
If the application allows an upload of your resume to parse into the application, I’ve had the best results using a PDF and not a Word document.
Some online application systems have you put every item (job title, dates employed, details/accomplishments, etc.) in an entirely separate field, so it’s not as simple as copy/pasting the entire document. You have to copy/paste line by line, which is really quite cumbersome and time-consuming. I’m looking at you, USAJobs.
Hi, I am the original poster. Most of the online applications I have used are not self populating.
I will give props to Taleo(use them to apply for Aramark jobs). Once you are uploaded and answered the questions, they just ask you to verify your previous answers and you are done.
A lot of other sites make you jump through the same hoops time and time again.
Number 1: Working with an executive coach doesn’t have to be that expensive. You should also be able to sample a session with the coach before committing to a long-term program with them. Shop around and definitely get testimonials from people you trust. Don’t just go with the first coach who sells themselves to you. Executive coaching can be HUGELY helpful…but only if you find the right coach for you.
Hey all, I’m OP #7. Not So NewReader, really appreciate that idea — I think it’s a good one, and not one I’d considered.
I supervise one employee in my department, and I just completed her evaluation. I’m going to use my experience with that process as a discussion point with our operations/HR manager regarding our evaluation forms. I know other managers hate our current evaluation forms, but I don’t think I can really bring that into the discussion without putting them on the spot.
The examples Allison linked me to were very helpful. Thanks!