I share an employee with a difficult boss

A reader writes: I’m a program manager in a nonprofit and supervise one employee, our program associate. She’s great. Very productive, efficient, intelligent, and in general a pleasure to work with. She’s been with the organizaiton about 2 years and is eager to advance in her career. (This is her first full-time paid position after […]

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how can I handle interruptions when I’m concentrating?

A reader asks: What is the best approach for handling interruptions (from colleagues or bosses) at work when you are either busy, in the middle of something else, or just plain unprepared because your mind is on a different project? I sometimes find myself flustered when colleagues or managers stop by without a warning to […]

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what’s your worst office holiday story?

In the spirit of the holiday season, it’s time to share your worst office holiday stories! Did your office mandate your attendance at an 80s-prom-themed party on a Saturday night? (That’s a real story from  the comments on a recent post about holiday aggravations at work.)  Did your CEO make everyone at the company holiday party watch two carousels […]

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your email does not require a special font

If you have set up your email to use a special font when you send people emails, rather than just the normal plain text default, it is time to stop. The fake cursive font, the weird typewriter font, the colors — none of these are good, and they make you look out of touch with […]

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my coworker keeps asking me to handle his mail

A reader writes: I was hired as a Marketing & Executive Assistant at a start-up company, and I also sit at the front desk. During my initial interview, my then-to-be boss explained that although I sit at the front desk, the receptionist duties are small and, primarily, he would like me to be working on […]

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I’m not getting responses to my networking emails

A reader writes: I have a question about the proper methods of networking at conventions. In short, I graduated in June (engineering) and have attended a few conventions in the summer and fall (some for volunteering, some for presenting on a specialized topic, and some for observing what new technologies people in industry and academia […]

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what are the chances of getting relocation help from an employer?

A reader writes: I live in Southern California, but my family and I yearn to move to small town New England, in particular a certain area of fairly close-knit small towns. My question concerns the likelihood of relocation assistance. I’m very skeptical that any will be offered to me, much less enough to move us. […]

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10 rules for holiday gift-giving at the office

Finding the right gifts for friends and family is hard enough. Being expected to get something for your co-workers and your boss on top of that and navigating how much money to spend is a good way to lose your holiday cheer entirely. Here are 10 rules for holiday gift-giving at the office. Follow them and […]

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