secrets of a hiring manager (and a holiday gift)

As a holiday gift, this week I’m offering you 40% off my e-book, How to Get a Job: Secrets of a Hiring Manager. Put in this discount code and you’ll get a massive discount: holiday2012 Written from my perspective as a long-time hiring manager, this e-book gives you step-by-step guidance through every stage of your job […]

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getting what you need from a low performer who you don’t manage

A reader asks: What is the best way to approach a department assistant about task effectiveness when she doesn’t technically report to me, but owns certain processes/administrative tasks? I purposely limit my interactions with her because I and others find that it can sometimes be like pulling teeth to get a helpful answer, result, or […]

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tiny answer Tuesday — 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s tiny answer Tuesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Resigning when you have an abusive boss Any tips for resigning when the boss you’re resigning for is abusive? This person has physically pushed me as well as screamed, hit desks, and sworn at and around me. I have […]

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how to deal with gimmicky recruiters

A reader writes: I’ve just come home from one of the oddest professional experiences I’ve ever had. A large recruiting company in my area invited me in for an initial meeting/screening with one of its recruiters for an unnamed position with a local nonprofit trade association focusing on outdoor activities. The meeting began with an […]

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5 awkward holiday situations at work — and how to handle them

With gift-giving, holiday parties, and alcohol in the mix, December probably has more opportunity for awkward moments in the workplace than any other month. Here are five awkward situations you might encounter at work this month and what you can do to smooth them over. 1. A coworker gives you a gift and you don’t […]

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mini answer Monday — 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s mini answer Monday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. How important is it to have a LinkedIn profile? How important is it to have a LinkedIn profile? I’m open to new opportunities but not job searching. I have an online presence including a blog, articles I’ve written and […]

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