this isn’t how you make layoff decisions

This is dumb on so many levels that I don’t even know where to begin: Newspaper tells two employees to decide between themselves which one will be laid off Oh fine, I’ll begin here:  You don’t make layoff decisions arbitrarily — you make them based on actual business factors, looking at performance, what the company […]

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how far back can you reasonably push an interview request?

A reader writes: I have a question about being reasonable when it comes to scheduling an interview, when you are currently employed. I applied for a job today, and then immediately was asked to come in and interview. Unfortunately, I assumed that I would a) never hear from the company b) hear from them in […]

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I cried in an interview — and later accepted the job

A reader writes: First, I just want to say that I love Ask a Manager! I’m in the process of transitioning to a new job, and your advice has been invaluable. I managed to negotiate a signing bonus at my new job, and I turned down my current job’s counter-offer while still maintaining good terms […]

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update from the reader who wanted to borrow the CEO’s assistant

Remember the letter-writer who wanted to ask the CEO if he could “borrow” the CEO’s assistant to work on his own projects? Here’s his update. I got a lot of solid, honest advice that I needed to hear. I apologized to the CEO’s assistant, as suggested, for overstepping my boundaries by assuming she was able […]

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wee answer Wednesday — 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s wee answer Wednesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. What’s up with this poor benefits package? I just had an interview at a company for a senior-level director position I am potentially interested in, but the company’s benefits (or lack thereof) concern me. For instance, the company only […]

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how to crush someone’s dreams without being a jerk

A reader writes: I was contacted by a recent graduate of my alma mater asking for advice on getting into my industry (publishing), and we’re having coffee later this week. I get these kinds of emails every so often, and I’m sometimes torn over how to respond. Because the honest truth is that most people […]

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the 10 worst office holiday party disasters

I recently asked readers to tell me about their worst office holiday parties, and your stories ranged from giggle-inducing to outright horrifying. Here are 10 of the worst disasters you reported. 1. You’re invited … to work at the party “I was working in sandwich shop with only six employees. The owner invited all of us to […]

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